>I think this would be great for a teaching/learning camp.....  Maybe we
>should get Ray and jean-claude to head one up.  I'm in!!!    What great
>fun and learning experience it would be.    Don't tell the feds.......

>From may 29 to  june 3 there is "a primitive life skill gathering "
happening in Oregon  in the colombia river gorge where we can learn a lot
about primitive technology.
write for info to Rain ,s end,  3226 dee hwy
hood river
or 97031
 tel (541) 3541790
there is lot of chance that you will see us there teaching about natural
farming  , instinctive eating and natural child raising ( diaper free and
other goodies). you can learn there to make arrow heads out of stone, hide
tanning,  pottery,  basketry,  hunting tools, plant fiber cordage, edible
and medicinal plants,  felting, and much more.
This kind of gathering is happening in other places in the state at other
times time .