On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 12:33:52 -0500, "Raymond, Charles E. x1280"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Remember, I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV, I'm also not a cow but I
>will tell you why a cow's milk is not good for us. For one, it is intended
>to be used by a baby cow, hence the sole purpose of cows milk.

This is an absurd argument - a strawberry is "intended" to be used by the ground
to grow a new strawberry bush, not for our digestion, yet all reports are that
strawberries are excellent for your health, and part of virtually all diet

> As unnatural as
>drinking a cow's milk is for us humans, consider also that there are enough
>anabolic hormones and steroids in one glass of milk to make even Arnold
>Shwartenthingy jealous.

This is not an argument against milk, it is an argument against certain
practices in the processing and production of milk by certain corporations.
The same argument applies to beef, lettuce and corn.

