Doesn't it all boil down to respect?

Give a child age-appropriate choices and respect his choice. Listen to
his concerns and respect his right to have an opinion even when you
disagree (even if you as the parent have the final say). Hear and help
him to identify his feelings and respect his right to have them.

BUT be there for guidance and to set some ground rules that are
consistent. If a child has firm limits and boundaries, my belief is that he
will feel more secure and self-confident to explore the choices that ARE
available to him.

Aren't best friends the ones you can always turn to for support? They
are the ones you can share anything with. They are the ones who
accept you unconditionally with all your quirks and flaws. I only hope my
children will think that way about me some day. JMHO :)

f course now they are not quite 3 and "NO" is all I ever hear! <smile>

Mom to triplets: Robert (NDA), Anthony (PVL, CP), and Our Angel,
Joseph {April 14/97-Dec. 31/98}. Ottawa, Canada