I don't wish to offend anyone but I am curious. Why would  African
Americans need their own  group? I am fascinated by the way some
people seem to feel the need to segregate themselves into like groups. Is
this (C-Palsy) a non-African American group, for example?

In terms of discrimination, we have all experienced some degree of it at
one time or another (granted some is much more blatant and
despicable)... should we all have a special group? Personally I have
faced some discrimination (albeit minor incidents) based on gender,
language, ethnic background, health issues and religion at various times.
I fear for what my son will face knowing there are a lot of stupid and
cruel people out there. But the more we as human beings focus on our
differences the more we overlook our similarities.

JMHO...Coming off soapbox now <GRIN>.

Mommy to 2 year old  triplets:
Robert (NDA), Anthony (PVL,spastic quad CP, 66 HBO, Pony walker,
AFO's), and
Our Angel, Joseph {April 14/97-Dec. 31/98} (HIE, CP, CVI, developmental
delays, Infantile Spasms, mic-key tube, BPD...)
Ottawa, CANADA