<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi gang!

  Let me just clear a few things up before anymore of you reply to my
original posting...I also have some questions of my own!

  Our doctor is a very good, competent, man in his field.  The reason
why I was put on fertility drugs was because I wasn't ovulating.  I
hadn't had a normal menstrual cycle in about 6 months at the time of our
initial visit with "Dr. W".  So yes, the drugs are needed!  We did
discuss my husband's disease and were told that before we check Mark's
semen for analysis, all other possibilities (surgery, switching drugs,
that sort of thing) would be exhausted first, then the focus would
switch to Mark.  I have had 3 miscarriages in the past 2 years and my
husband and I both feel that the focus on me currently is appropriate.

  Second, my husband has been gluten free for about 2 years.  Some of
you have suggested once he was completely free, his fertility issues
would disappear.  Well, how long does that take?  2 years isn't enough?
And how does eliminating red meat from his diet have anything to do with
his fertility?  We just had an entire cow butchered and everything is
fresh with no filers.  Maybe that's the reason--because of filers used
in ground beef?  If you haven't guessed, I am a teacher and when people
give me answers and they don't explain them, especially on a discussion
question, they get point marks off!  Ha Ha!

  Third, why do I have to go gluten free when I get pregnant if it's my
husband who is the Celiac?  We have a 3.5 year old that is showing no
signs of the disease and Mark is the only person in his entire family
who has it.  No, there are no undiagnosed celiacs.  Everyone is as
regular as a clock.

So, when replying, keep these things in mind.  It's my fault for not
listing them initially, but I really had no idea the response I would
get!  And, if you can answer any of my questions--that would be
brilliant also!


Liz Crone