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Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 18:13:47 -0500
From: Phil Genova <[log in to unmask]>
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To: Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Confusion re, weight gain ,diet modifications
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Dear Paleopeople:
<p>As a foundling cave-girl, I've been lurking in the background, but now
feel ready to ask away.&nbsp; When I was a Macromama (macrobiotic), I was
lean and mean like a hunter gatherer.&nbsp; Like James, I've put on 10
lbs. since doing paleo since August. .&nbsp; Now I'm storing fat in all
the wrong places, despite walking up hills.&nbsp; I don't do weights, just
normal life activities.&nbsp; I'm sort of stuck - if I don't eat things
like carrots, yams at least once per day, I feel flat and lackluster (no
more than one cup per day, cooked).&nbsp; But, if I try to up the fat in
order to replace the starchy veggies, I feel like I'm being attacked by
my gall bladder (queasy, fullness in gut). When I'm in the mood for a snack,
I don;'t&nbsp; generally crave things like protein.&nbsp; I go for more
starchy, filling ideas.&nbsp; Probably a carryover from all those years
of high carb eating.&nbsp; To give you more specific info, I am including
my daily eating schedule.&nbsp; Also, I'm 5'3" and 118lbs.&nbsp; (usually
106lbs). I don't know my bodyfat, but lets just say I'm starting to jiggle
like jello on my thighs and undersides of arms.
<br>Meal #1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4 oz salmon steak or 1egg yolk, 3 whites
2 cups cooked greens, collards, kale &amp; 1 TB sesame butter
handful dulse
1 orange or 1/2 grapefruit
1TB Cod Liver Oil
<p>Meal #2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3 cups salad greens (red pepper, celery)
4-5 ounces cooked turkey, chicken
1/2 avocado
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1-2 TB olive oil, lemon juice or 1-2 TB paleomayo
<br>Late Aft. Snack&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1 tangerine or 1 apple with 2-3 TB
almond butter
<p>Meal #3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 5-6 ounces venison or grass-fed
beef or homegrown lamb
1-2 cups brocolli or string beans (Sauteed in slight amount of olive oil)
1-2 cups mixed dry salad greens or some neander vinagrette
1 small garnet yam or 1 cup rutabaga or cooked carrot
<p>Late evening snack&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1 apple with 3 TB almond and/or
sunflower butter
(I'd really like to replace the apple with a banana
for more energy, but am afraid I'd really blimp out)
<p>So there you have it, folks.&nbsp; Any suggestions for modification
would be appreciated.&nbsp; Also, I'm a little afraid to ask this, but
what the hell.&nbsp; Since I know of only one person besides myself who
eats this way, I was wondering if you all would be open to sending me your
daily personal eating menu so I could get an idea of what others do..&nbsp;
Feel free to go to my personal mailbox if the group thinks this would be
a clutter of&nbsp; communal&nbsp; space.&nbsp; I've always been interested
in how different groups all over the world eat, but in this case, I'd like
to know what more experienced paleos have found works, or doesn't so I
don't fall into the same pitfalls.&nbsp; I fully understand that no two
bodies are alike, and also that this&nbsp; advice&nbsp; would not be taken
as medical&nbsp; blah, blah, blah,</html>