On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 22:37:07 -0600 Kendra and Karen <[log in to unmask]>
>  What happens to the stomach and
> intestine that
> is not in use?  Is it removed during the surgery or does it just die
> in the body?  I
> dread to hear what is going to happen to those people in a few
> years.

I have known 2 people who have that surgery.  One is seriously
malnourished, hair falling out, skin is sallow and eyes are sunken in.
She went from 342 pounds down to 122.  She has had 2 follow up surgeries
due to hernias and the intestines getting bunched up.  *what ever thats
called*     She has a scar from her pubic bone to her rib cage.  As of
today her hair is better, and her skin tone is better, but she still is
considered malnourished.  My other friend had this done in Oct. She went
from 255 down to 190 and still losing.   However, she throws a lot of
food up, doesn't have normal bowel function, and has gas pains so bad she
cries.  Neither watch what they eat, they still eat the same crap as
before, just in smaller amounts.  As for the stomach and small portion of
intestine, it is left in there.

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