James wrote:
>Be warned, you will dump water - a lot of it.  If you are in ketosis, you
>are dehydrated.  Drink a ton of water and realize that the weight loss of
>the first week *is* only water.  Eat some carbs and drop out of ketosis and
>you'll regain that weight in a day.

This brings out something that really get up my craw.  James, this is not
aimed at you.  You know exactly what I'm talking about.

It's critics' failure to see both sides of the coin.  They say, "it's only
water weight" when referring to the weight one loses when they go low-carb.
As if losing water weight is inconsequential.  The reason paleo & low-carb
dieters lose all that water weight is because a high-carb diet MAKES YOU
RETAIN WATER!  Can't they catch the clue?  Fluid retention is bad; losing
excess fluid is good.  Duh!

Another example; "eating all that fat will make you fat!"  When you eat it
with carbs, yes, because it ups your insulin and we all know what that does.
  Again, they only see one side of the coin.  It's not the FAT that makes
you fat, it's the CARBS, dammit!

Does anyone else find this failure to look at the big picture extremely
annoying?  By the way, I doubt the 50 pounds and four sizes I lost were due
to losing 'water weight'.  Gimme a break!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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