>From: Justin Hasselman

>A lifetime of being 'pushed around' by thin people?  Isn't this playing the
>victim card a bit too much?  Getting fat isn't an >accident.  I used  to be
>about 23% BF myself.  Losing fat is working >out 1-2 times a week, and do a
>little cardio.  This works 95% of the >time, or at leasts that's what I've

I've been waiting a day or two to respond to this topic and the statement
above opened wide the door.

In some ways, obesity IS an accident.  Think about it.  What do the diet
"professionals" tell overweight individuals to do?  Cut the fat and don't
eat too much meat, it's baaaaaad for you.  So what DO people with a weight
problem eat?  Bread with no butter, Special K with non-fat milk, baked
potatoes with some chemical excuse for butter and other high-carb, low-fat
concoctions that only make them fatter.  I've said it before and I'll say it
again; it's not the fat they eat, it's the carbs.  I've said this before,
too; an obese individual is insulin resistant and carbs not only are
automatically put into storage, they also fail to satiate the individual's
hunger.  How can you blame someone from eating more than they should when
the food isn't going where it's supposed to?

And overweight people ARE victims!  Ever walk into a room and hear someone
go "Mooooo!"?  Been there, heard that.  I went low-carb and worked wonders,
literally not cheating by one bite for one full year.  I have the will-power
of 10 people.  Why was I fat?  Because my body cannot handle carbohydrates
well.  I wasn't lazy, I wasn't irresponsible and I never lacked willpower.
I only lacked information.  Now I've got it and I'm at my all-time low adult
weight; just stepped on the scale today at the gym, then swimmed laps for 25
minutes.  My blood pressure is 100/64 and I'm now only 35 pounds overweight,
now officially having dropped OVER 50 pounds.  Woo hoo!

This isn't aimed at you personally, Justin, but your comments obviously hit
a nerve.  You also mentioned brain surgery.  Been there and done that, too.
Having to write a will and undergo brain surgery while awake was a walk in
the park compared to the venom aimed at me when I was obese.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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