Hello, all!

Just wondering if anyone is aware of the latest alternative sweetener.  It's
called OptiSweet, a kiwi fruit extract.  It's not cheap, BUT, it has
virtually no aftertaste!  On the one hand, going from standard low-carb to
paleo has cut my desire for sweets even further.  But I've gotta have SOME
fun!  This does the trick.  Mix it with stevia and you can get pretty much
the same sweetness for less money.  Acutally, I like the mixed effect better
than OptiSweet straight.

As to where you can get it, I'm pitched upon the horns of dilemma: I have no
idea what the company's own web address is, but I do know where you can buy
it.  However, I write articles for this web-site's newsletter.  I assume if
just one person asked for the info on where to buy this via the list,
passing along the information wouldn't break the lists no-solicitation
rules.  Then again, I make no financial gain, so what's the conflict?
Still, I'd feel better supplying the info at someone's request  If anyone is
interested, let me know and I'll put the link on the list.

Dori Zook,
Denver, CO

P.S.  Yes, the sweetner is low-carb!  It has, if I'm not mistaken, 5g carb
for one teaspoon (which would sweeten a LOT) and has a low glycemic index.
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