
This is exactly my line of thought. Lt. Almamo Manneh (the deceased)
especially was a fanatical Yaya Jammeh supporter. This illiterate Fitter
(not mechanic)-turned soldier, did everything for Yaya Jammeh. I've heard
from impeccable sources over the past six years that Mamo was at the center
of several heinous crimes - including the highest profile murder in Gambian
history. So, to say that this boy was going to stage a coup against Yaya
defies basic logic! He is completely illiterate, he doesn't have any skills
to speak of, and from what I've heard, he is not the most popular guy in the
army because of his pro-Yaya excesses. Illiterate, often drunk (the reason
why Ida Sanneh dumped him,) unpopular... hardly the stuff that coup makers
are made of. In fact, it's because of his dedicated extra-curricular service
to Yaya, that this guy was commissioned. He has no education, or skill to
qualify him to be an officer in the army. One is not supposed to speak ill
of the dead, but Mamo had it coming to him. The guy was a big fool when I
knew him as a Fitter's apprentice/Jack of all trade handyman in Tallinding.
That foolishness has apparently killed him.

However, nothing in the govt.'s story makes sense. Mamo was supposed to be
on his way to Yundum to take control, and mobilize support. Berec (Lt.
Sanneh,) meanwhile who is supposed to be the other ring leader was at home
sleeping! A coup leader soundly asleep on the night of the coup? Give me a
Break! Berec is actually the brother of one of his Foni MPs.

But the most blatant lie in the govt.'s story is the allegation that these
guys were responsible for harassing people at Denton Bridge. What a lie!
When Lawyer Joof came out last Summer against their treatment of civilians,
the Secretary of Interior came out swinging in defence of their "security"
exercises. He said categorically that it's within their purview to do what
they were doing. This was in Aug/Sept last year. But, all of a sudden, we're
being told that two lowly lieutenants were responsible for that whole
exercise. Where were the Captains, Majors, Commanders? What a hogwash! Talk
about a whole nation being whudwinked! This Yaya Jammeh people must think
all Gambians are like them: non-thinking, happy-go-lucky bozos. If they're
going to be in the murder business, they should at least try and find
plausible excuses. This one won't sell here! But more importantly, Gambian
reporters ought to pull out their files of what he had said last summer on
the Denton Bridge civilian harassment, and ask him to explain the obvious
contradiction with what he is saying now.

Those who want to know the true story behind all this, should go and rent
the movie "Wag The Dog." This is nothing but a vain attempt to divert public
attention from the millions he has stollen from the Gambia in the crude oil
deal with Nigeria. He continues to harass members of the Independent
newspaper mgt. and staff for a trivial story. Why has he not sued Lawyer
Darbo, or Mr. Smith (the British gentleman who conducted his own
investigation -and confirmed the veracity of Darbo's allegations?)Compared
to what Darbo and Smith are saying, the Independent's story is chicken
fudder. So, why is Mr. Transparency-cum-Accountability not suing anyone?


>From: Ousman Bojang <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: A coup in making or a foiled coup attempt???
>Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 00:33:49 EST
>Dear L—
>I am happy that no one is rushing to judgment here after reading the
>government's story posted by Tombong Saidy. Hence I am certain not to be
>charged with libel, I might write the other side of the story and fear not.
>How much sense does it make to say that Lts. Sanneh and manneh were
>organizing a coup and they were being investigated for a while? Remember
>these two people had direct access to Jammeh. These two were confidants of
>jammeh. These two staked their lives for Jammeh several times before for
>know that it is only in Jammeh's era that they could enjoy the fruits they
>were enjoying.
>From a diffferent side, it is because of their unquestionable loyalty to
>Jammeh that they had to be accused by the ones who are really in the making
>of a coup. It was known to these people that if Manneh and Sanneh have to
>stay as Presidential guards, they were ready to die for Jammeh and they had
>to be eliminated. I have no doubt that my sources are right and sooner or
>later the whole truth shall come out.
>When the so-called robbery took place, it was covered and we are yet to
>out the whole story. A lot of these will come to light. And as the saying
>goes, Time is the best Prophet.
>God bless the mother land.
>Ousman Bojang.
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