August 2001


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Matthew McDaniel <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 10 Aug 2001 21:44:37 +0700
text/plain (36 lines)
Peter Martin's article fails to say much about why these people are
concerned, why they are rioting.

Globalization, the centralization of wealth to the corporate community, the
corporate take over of democratic government, and the total mugging of the
environmental facts may have just a little to do with these people and what
they have to say.

The article is assuming that we all think these activists are all hoodlums
and communists.

We do not.

The Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, have run roughshod over the
rights and aspirations of the general public in places like Thailand.

These big corporate gatherings are not of people who were elected but
rather who were appointed by those with the most money, and it is their
tyranny that must be opposed.

For instance it is not a bunch of green peace activists who take all the
rice lands from the hill tribe peoples in Thailand. It is the corporations
and their banks which do it.

We must consider that in all struggles there are developments of
"undergrounds" and their relevant intelligence gathering methods which they
also use on their side to fight the established government.

Corporations can be built in a democracy but will soon replace and then
eliminate democracy.

Intelligence operations with in these anti corporate groups can be

Matthew McDaniel