August 2001


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Ofer Tal <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Cloaks-and-Daggers Open Discussion of Intelligence (Academic)
Sat, 25 Aug 2001 22:17:29 +0300
text/plain (44 lines)
re, jack morris' reply :

>Regarding Ofer Tal's remarks - 22Aug01
>Ofer wrote: Israel does not target political leaders.
>I am sure that Arafat would disagree with you
>since he is one of the few enemies of Israel who
>has managed to avoid the incoming.  You can
>always claim he was a terrorist first thus making
>him 'legitimate' Israeli target.  Keep in mind he
>is also a political leader of the highest rank and no
>one knows how much worse conditions might be
>in Ofer's Israel with Arafat converted to dust.

** I don't see how what you say is contradicted by what I said.
Israel will not "liquidate" arafat.

>Ofer wrote: Does not target political leaders like the U.S.
>Ofer wrote: Targets people on whom we have intelligence
>Please explain, then, why entire villages disappear
>when Ofer's Mossad has so-called intelligence on one
>or two persons from these villages?  Taking down one
>terrorist is applauded the world over, leveling homes
>and killing their inhabitants is condemned everywhere.

** don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
please explain what villages and when.

>As far as the highly promoted Israeli intelligence, Ofer
>might consider the Arab waiter in Norway on whom the
>Mossad thought it had in hand all the confirmed data it
>required.  They murdered the wrong Arab.

** if you ever had anything to do with intelligence,
you'll know that it's never mistake proof. now, please tell
me how could world famous CIA mistake the chinese embassy
for being the SDPR building? and I say, sometimes, things like that happens,
and you have to learn not to make the same mistake again.