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Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 May 1998 12:20:15 -0700
text/plain (310 lines)
Hi Aaron!!!


Thanks!!! - :)!!!

> I especially liked your last reference and all the stuff about NOT
>BELIEVING  what you read and then repeating as if it's truth!!  HOW MANY TIMES do I
>have  to say that!!!!!  People don't get it!!!!!

I Know!!! Tell Me About It!!! - Great Minds Think Alike I Guess!!! - :)!!!

Isn't it funny how Basic Common Sense and Basic Simple Logic and
Deductive Reasoning in this Society seem to be a such a Rarity nowadays
and the Norm is based on PC - Political Correctness - and whatever
someone can get someone else to Believe no matter how flawed it might be
because it Sounds So Good!!! - Geesh!!! - And remember I'm talking about
Physical and Logical Things you can Actually Prove not the Non-Physical,
Psychic, Metaphysical, and/or Spiritual Things that can be quite
difficult to Prove if not almost impossible if at all - Those are in a
Quite a Different Category at least from what it seems in our Present
Stage of Evolution and Scientific Advancement for the most part.

If I felt that I could really Live Super Healthy as a Vegan or actually
a Fruitarian and really Enjoy it and not have to hurt a Living Thing On
This Planet and just Live off the Gifts of Nature: Of Course I Would!!!
In A Heartbeat!!!  But to follow a Belief just because it sounds good
and seems to make sense when it's actually not based in Truth - or, as
I've said before, as close as we can get to it - when it could and does
really Affect Your Health and that of those around you and are
responsible for, I think it's Prudent and a Responsibility to make sure
or at least have more than just a Belief to base your Decisions on
especially when they can be shown to be quite flawed  This can be a Real
Horror Story for Children and if any of you are familiar with Ward
Nicholson's Fantastic Article at it's new URL:

                  Paleolithic Diet vs. Vegetarianism:
              What was humanity's original, natural diet?

                                 Part 3
                   The psychology of idealistic diets
       and lessons learned from the Natural Hygiene Many-to-Many
           about successes and failures of vegetarian diets.
Specifically at:

you'll find what happened to this Poor Little Natural Hygiene Vegan Boy.
Here's what it says since it's short and I'm sure you and the others
would like to see this if you haven't already:
Another sobering occurrence was that in the most recent issue of the
M2M, one of our participants reported that their two or three-year-old
infant son--who was still breastfeeding (or had been until recently) and
who, along with the mother, was eating vegan Hygienic foods, including
getting sunlight regularly--had developed bowed legs as a manifestation
of rickets due to vitamin D deficiency.* After getting professional help
that included an initial megadose of vitamin D, the father began feeding
the son raw goat's milk and cheese, and added a daily
multivitamin/mineral supplement, with the result that the son's legs are
improving and areas in his teeth where enamel had been missing are now
This is just one Example of what a Belief and Beliefs can do when you
Totally or at least Partially Suspend Real Honest Research and Hard Data
in deference to some Ideal or Belief.  You'll find a lot of other Horror
Stories there as well like that one Natural Hygiene M2M - a unique
"Many-To-Many" Letter Group Forum - Member lost all their Teeth as a
result of a High-Fruit Diet and they also found "the two most common
repercussions of long-term attempts at Fruitarianism are usually that
the teeth are the first to go, then people's blood-sugar processing
abilities, along with deficiencies."

To continue believing something that has been shown beyond a doubt to
not be true is a bit Crazy in my opinion - But Alas!!! To Each His
Own!!! - :) - Like I've said before, maybe some People can really Thrive
as Veggies or whatever and maybe have Adapted in ways I don't know.  I
know that I, myself, follow my Instincts even when they seem to be
Totally Against and at Odds with what the Present so-called Truth and
Science is at the Time.

For instance, I felt that Butter - especially Raw - was not only Fine
but Actually Good for you while everywhere it was being Espoused as
being "Bad", "Unhealthful", and even "Dangerous" for you by the
so-called Medical and Health Experts and the Powers that Be - That just
so happen to be backed by the People who profit so greatly from this
misconception - And I think you can guess who I'm talking about - and
yet that was shown to be not true, but still most People and so-called
Experts etc. still believe this - Can you believe it?  Yes!!! I Can
Believe It!!!

Just look at the Butter vs. Margarine Issue: It took them what 25-30
years to finally show that Butter was fine and that Margarine could
actually be quite Harmful and as bad or worse as they thought Butter was
because of the Trans Fatty Acids (TFAs) from the Partially Hydrogenated
Vegetable Oils they use.  I could go into details about Animal Fats
and/vs. Trans Fats but there's a really good Page to go to on that that
will give you all the details most might [ever] want to know on this and
she can do a lot better job than me, or at least knows more about this
than me, since she's an Expert in the field and should, or at least
might, be known by a lot of you.  The Researcher is Dr. Mary G. Enig,
Ph.D. Co-Author with Patricia Connolly of "Nourishing Traditions: The
Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet
Dictocrats" by Sally Fallon - http://www.enig.com/cookbook.html - Which
I have available and Highly Recommend for it's Information and
Scientific Hard Data and Research because it's got some of the best I
ever seen all spread out throughout the book on the just about
everything you wanted to know about Health, Nutrition, and Diet and it's
a Great Cookbook to boot if you Cook any of your Food but there are some
Raw Recipes in there as well - and she's an Internationally Recognized
Trans Fatty Acid Expert and her Page and all the Related Links will
really Quite Inform you and maybe Even Amaze you about the Truth about
TFAs and Partial Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils.  Here's the Page I've been
telling you about:

Trans Fat InfoWeb Page - http://www.enig.com/trans.html

which has a Great Link to:

The Latest News on Trans Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease -

and then to another Great Link:

Trans Fat Spells Double Trouble for Arteries -

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is really actually
from the little I've seen a good group and they do seem to follow what
they say they do and what they're about and from what I've seen have
done some Great, or at least Good, Work even though it may has some
Flaws from Time to Time at least from what I saw about Trans Fats but at
least it's a good start - They still think Animal Fats are Bad but at
least say Trans Fats are Bad too and that this is being Hidden from the
Public and have been trying to get the FDA to require Trans Fat Labeling
but so far to no avail - At least they're trying!!!  When you go to
their Web Site you'll see what they say they're about:
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is a nonprofit
education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety
and nutritional quality of our food supply and on reducing the carnage
caused by alcoholic beverages. CSPI seeks to promote health through
educating the public about nutrition and alcohol; it represents
citizens' interests before legislative, regulatory, and judicial bodies;
and it works to ensure that advances in science are used for the
public's good.

CSPI is supported by more than 1,000,000 member-subscribers to its
Nutrition Action Healthletter and through foundation grants and sales of
educational materials. For more information contact CSPI at 1875
Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20009, phone (202)
332-9110, fax (202) 265-4954, or by e-mail [log in to unmask] .
You can find their Nutrition Action Healthletter at:

>From the CSPI's Main Site I saw a Link to:

Groups Unite to Fight "Veggie-Libel" Laws - National Campaign & Web Site
Launched -- April 29, 1998 -

And there it talked about a new Project they just started called
Foodspeak Coalition for Free Speech - http://www.cspinet.org/foodspeak/
- you need the ending (/) because they have a little problem that if you
don't use it you'll get which will work
but not be the best to Bookmark because they could change their I.P.
Address ( while they'll probably always keep their Domain
Name (cspinet.org) - which is a Great Site that I definitely recommend
going to if you want to know what's going on in Regards to Free Speech
and Food and the Food-Libel Laws (i.e. the so-called "Veggie-Libel"
Laws).  Here's just the beginning of their Statement of Principles and
you can see the all of it when you go to their Site:
Foodspeak is a coalition of civil liberty, health, environmental, public
interest, media, and law groups dedicated to ensuring freedom of
expression concerning food and food safety. The Coalition opposes "food
disparagement" or "veggie-libel" laws, existing or proposed, insofar as
they inhibit public discussion protected by the First Amendment and
state-constitutional free speech guarantees.
As of March 6th they have 27 Member Groups and also at their New
Developments Page - http://www.cspinet.org/foodspeak/new/new.htm - I saw
that certain Individuals are part of it like Ralph Nader or maybe he has
a Group that he's part of that is part of it; regardless, he wrote a
Really Good Statement: http://www.cspinet.org/foodspeak/press/nader.htm
        Statement by Ralph Nader Against Food-Disparagement Laws
                  in Support of the Foodspeak Campaign
                             April 29, 1998
Well I hope and trust that you and everyone else found that little bit
of a Tangent that I have a way of going off on useful and now I'll
continue with what I was saying before.

Now I know that I and a lot of People believe in things that we can't
Prove at times, like I'd said before, those things on a Non-Physical,
etc., and Spiritual Level, but that's not the same as saying I know that
Meat Eating is Bad for you and that Veganism is the Way To Live because
Meat Eating Kills and Veganism doesn't ... "Blah Blah Blah" - or "Yada
Yada Yada" if you like Seinfeld - :) - That's Not Very Good Logic In My
Opinion, But Who Am I To Say What's Right!!! - :).

If I'm not mistaken isn't that the Reasoning used in the Spanish
Inquisition: "If someone doesn't Believe in Jesus then they are Against
Us, and if they are against us they are of the Devil, if they are of the
Devil then we can do what we want with them - like Torture and Maim them
etc. - until they See The Truth and The Errors of Their Ways and/or will
Kill them for their Own Good and the Good of Their Souls."

Now I'm not saying we're going to have a Bunch of Crazy Radical
Fanatical Vegans running about trying to Round up the Meat Eaters of the
World to "Convert" Us by Any Means Possible - Hopefully Not Torture -,
but you do see that in a lot of Fanatical Groups who have nothing to
base their Arguments on but their Beliefs and Emotions and what they
Think is Right.  I Believe, Feel, and Think too using my Logic, that
Beliefs, Emotions, and Feelings are Great Things and are Great when
starting something that you Believe in and Feel Strongly about, but that
it's make sense to use your Logic and Reasoning as well whenever and
wherever possible to back up these Beliefs and Feelings so that you can
Honestly show something that what your saying is the Truth or at least a
lot closer to it.  And then if you can do this and you can't get People
to Believe you just do the best you can but you can't - or at least in
my opinion, shouldn't - Force someone to Believe in what you do even
though you can Absolutely Prove It Beyond a Shadow Of A Doubt!!! - Or
you Become one of those Fanatical People that you might like not from
other Groups and Beliefs.  Believe me I deal with this all the Time
because of what I do is so Controversial that People literally Refuse to
Belief it even though the Proof is right in front of them.  I've learned
that when People have believed in something for so long no matter how
flawed that when they're presented with the Truth a lot of them will
just Deny it or Label you a Crazy Fanatical, and maybe even Dangerous,
Radical.  So you do what you can and you keep following your Heart and
the Truth as you know or Believe it to be while always being Open for
more Revelations so to speak so that you can keep getting closer to what
at times sure feels like the Elusive Truth.

Hey!!! It Take All Kinds!!! - :)  The Earth has been proved to be Round
and yet there's still a Flat Earth Society that believes it's Flat - Can
you believe that?!!! - There's nothing you can do with them; they'll
either change or not whenever they do whenever they finally Wake Up!!!

I'd still like to know what you and the others think about the Idea that
Man might be able to "Evolve" to be able to Thrive as a Veggie but in
order to do so that some People would have to start it and that by doing
so their Health might suffer but eventually they and/or their Offspring
and Descendants could eventually Fully Adapt, Mutate, Evolve, or
whatever to be able to do so.  Because I do believe that Man does
Literally in a Short Span of Time, and maybe even in his own Life, Adapt
to his Environment and all the Stresses and Pressures that Affect him.
Like I Believe that Species Evolve more likely in Quantum Jumps rather
than really slowly when looking at overall Evolution or whatever you
might call it.  Like I've heard of Men who've had a Child who've
actually given Milk after their Wives or Mates had died and there was
nothing else to Feed or Nourish the Child with and so they must have
just Instantly Literally Adapted because of the Stress and Need to do
so.  Maybe not everyone does or can do this but at least Some seem to be
able to, and maybe it's those Some who will be able to have us change as
a Species - Who knows!!! But It's Definitely Something To Think About In
My Book!!! - :)!!!

> Anyway,  I'm still working on my web site.  It's coming along nicely, if you ever
>feel  like writing an article full of information like that and putting it on my
> site, go for it!!!

Let's me know more about it and what it'll encompass and I might just do
that.  I'm going to be having my own Web Site soon as well as my own
Server so will be Hosting other Sites as well if you're interested.  I'm
actually going to do a Site for this List and some of the People on it.
After talking with Peter he thought it'd be something Good to have a
Resource for People and also get into some other related things.  I'll
let you know as that comes along.

> What do you do?  You talked about taxes, teaching, etc.  What things do
>you do  in life?  I've been to Mann's site too, I liked it a lot!

Boy!!! That's A Long Question!!! - :)  Basically to keep it short -
Which seems quite a Rarity for me - :)!!! - I cover a lot of Areas
regarding Health, Law, Science, and Awareness.  Mostly People come to me
regarding Incomes Taxes, Credit, and Asset Protection and Management,
where I show them and teach them the many different ways that they may
handle their particular issue and all within the Law so that they don't
have to worry.  Basically, if you have a problem with the IRS or your
Local State Taxes I can show you how to basically Eliminate the Problem
and how Never to have it resurface in the future if you set up your
Affairs Properly.  That's done a Variety of Ways but some with Domestic
and Offshore Companies and Trusts so you can basically have Total
Privacy of your own Personal Assets and Affairs so to speak.  So you
basically will never have anybody have to know again how much money you
would have made and what Property you would have had and you don't have
to worry about being Sued since when they look you up they'll see you
basically have No Assets and no Lawyer would take a case where they'd
get Nothing - It's A Pretty Good Way To Live!!! - :)!!!  But instead of
going into it all here just Privately E-Mail me and I'll give you my
phone number and I can tell you more of the Details and what it
Encompasses and Entails when you call.

Well That's All For Now!!!  I Hope you Enjoyed it and it was Good to
hear from you and it'd be Fun and Interesting to see how this Thread
Progresses.  I would really like to get some Good Comments and
Information and maybe some Good Hard Data and Research relating to the
Subject of this Message - Thanks!!! - :)!!!

 - Take Care!!!
 - Gregg!!!