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David R. Mayne <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 May 1995 21:56:39 -0400 (EDT)
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Judy Pokras <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>           In summer watermelon, but organic watermelon costs too much, so I
> do buy regular H2Omelon, regrettably.  If I'm mixing a few fruits for
> breakfast, I might add shredded coconut.  I love grapes when I can get
> them, and cherries and nectarines.  I love canteloupe, but, again, melons
> are expensive when organic, so I usually avoid them altogether, very
> regrettably.  I also sometimes find strawberries, and I love blueberries.

I concur that organic melons are hard to come by, especially in the SE US.
We have had some organic cantelopes already, but cost 2.99 each for a
very small cantelope. When the organic watermellons come in, I will
usually do a watermellon juice fast for a few days, very cleansing.

>          Lately, my lunch is around dinnertime, combined with dinner, and
> is always a large salad, with any combination of the following: buckwheat
> greens, sunflower shoots, sunflower sprouts, clover sprouts, garlic
> sprouts, other mixed sprouts, celery, scallions, mesclun, dandelion greens,
> dulse, arame, nori, cucumber, watercress, tomato, red bell pepper.

WoW! What a good variety of sprouts. BTW, what method do you use to sprout
garlic ?

>             For a desserty treat, I have frozen bananas with maybe some
> nuts and carob powder and shredded coconut.  Or, I might indulge in Carob
> Mint Rice Dream on occasion.

Do you use a Champion juicer for this ?

> Please tell us your recipe for Raw Corn Soup!  I adore corn!

I will put this in a seperate post. BTW, we are starting to get
organic corn already, so I am quite happy!

> And can you recommend a dehydrator?  I don't know which one to get!

I use the Excaliber dehydrator, after a less than satisfactory experience
with one which used a vertical flow of air (can't remember the brand
name offhand). The major tradeoffs in dehydrators seems to be expand-
ability verses airflow. The horizontal air flow units are usually not
expandable, while the vertical ones can be expanded (i.e. can add new
trays and increase capacity), but suffer from having to rotate the
trays several times during the dehydrating session, a  bummer if
you want to do the dehydrating overnight.  Some dehydrators do not have
temperature control, so beware. Some vertical flow dehydrators include
Excaliber (4,5,9 tray models) ph# 916-381-4254, Nutri-Flow (6,10,12 tray
models) ph# 503-645-9741. For an expandable dehydrator, try American
Harverst, ph# 800-288-4545.

> do you have a water distiller?  I buy gallons of distilled water, but
> regrettably they're of plastic.  Can you recommend a water distiller?

I have one, but it only makes a gallon a day, and I need more for
sprouts, recipes, etc. I will often get water from a Harmony Brook
system available at the local co-op, which does charcoal filtering,
reverse osmosis, then ultra-violent light to remove any remaining
bacteria, at 29 cents per gallon. As mentioned in a previous followup,
there is still a lot of controversy over whether or not to distill
water verses filtering techniques. Perfect Health Products Division
sells a variety of water distillers, some with a large capacity per
day. You may want to contact them and get their catalog (800-444-HLTH).

> And thirdly, do you filter your sink and shower and bath water?  What kind
> of filter?  I need to remove the chlorine from mine!

I would like to find a good filter myself.  Again Perfect Health sells
a shower filter which is supposed to last 15,000 gallons, but I have
not tried it.

Best of wishes and health,
