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Martha Seagoe <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 17:10:31 -0800
text/plain (22 lines)
Thanx to all who replied with kid info.  I'm fascinated, Ric, with your
having raised your son 100% raw from birth!  I keep hearing about how
little kids need more dense calories than adults.  Did your kids get a
whole lot of nuts, seeds and avos?  Or were fresh fruits and veggies
enough to satisfy them most of the time?  Also, did you puree, or simply
wait until the kid had sufficient teeth to handle the food?  It's fabulous he
was able to nurse 4 years!
Sandy, my kids are 2 and *almost* 5.  The are lacto-ovo.
Cheese-aholics.  I'd like to get them off the dairy but, since they don't like
greens much, I am concerned about their growing bones.  They like
broccoli but not enough to get enough calcium.  They also hate nuts and
Bob, thank you for the list of what you eat.  Until my tastes change, I
don't know how I can force some of that stuff down.  For example, I like
raw cabbage only if it's drowning in coleslaw dressing, totally defeating
the purpose.  Well, I guess I've just got to keep an open mind and be
willing to try things.  I might like them if I don't mentally sabotage it.

Cheers to all!