Error - template LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER template could not be found.

Error - template STYLE-SHEET not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the STYLE-SHEET template could not be found.

Error - template SUB-TOP-BANNER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the SUB-TOP-BANNER template could not be found.
Rick Glazier <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
PCSOFT - Personal Computer software discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:24:39 -0500
text/plain (13 lines)
This is what Trend says about that:  WORM_SDBOT.BUZ
(It is malware)
From: "Aaron Botello" <[log in to unmask]>

>While running Trend Micros PC cillin scan the results came up that I have a trojan in a Win32 file named svhost.exe. Trend was
unable to clean it, quarantine it nor could I delete it. I have attempted all that I know numerous times and have been unable to
deal with it. I would appreciate any suggestions as to how I can get rid of it. Ideas?!? Aaron

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