Error - template LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER template could not be found.

Error - template STYLE-SHEET not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the STYLE-SHEET template could not be found.

Error - template SUB-TOP-BANNER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the SUB-TOP-BANNER template could not be found.
Francesco Padovano <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
PCSOFT - Personal Computer software discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 8 Jan 2000 00:27:38 +0100
text/plain (35 lines)
The Windows 3.x file manager was hold by Microsoft both in Win 95 as
Win 98 for compatibility. You have to search in the windows folder the
file(s) "winfile.exe". If it exists you can run the old win 3.x file
Bye from Frankie

-----Original Message-----
From: PCSOFT - Personal Computer software discussion list
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Avi Horwitz
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 8:30 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [PCSOFT] File Manager

Okay, I bit the bullet and went from Windows 3.11 to Windows 98.  I
the file manager in Windows 3.1 and found it very easy to use.  Is it
hiding somewhere in Windows 98?  How would I get at it?

Avi Horwitz
Avi Horwitz

Director, New York Chapter
MICA Investment Club
Coast to Coast OnLine Investment Club (CTCOLIC)

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