Error - template LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER template could not be found.

Error - template STYLE-SHEET not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the STYLE-SHEET template could not be found.

Error - template SUB-TOP-BANNER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the SUB-TOP-BANNER template could not be found.
Les Barnes <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
PCSOFT - Personal Computer software discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 17:22:38 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
If you have Adaptec ver 4.0 go into Create CD, Data and System Backup.
It will tell you how many CDs you need, etc.

Les Barnes

Joe Trimarchi wrote:
> I recently purchased a HP Pavilion 6545C that came with Win98SE, a HP
> CD-Writer +8000 and Adaptec Easy CD Creator software.
> Now that I have the system setup the way I like it I would like to make a
> mirror image of my HD using the CD-RW but haven't been able to figure out
> how to span more than 1 cd. Can this be done with the Adeptec software ? I
> don't see anything about it in the help files.
> What is the best/easiest way to copy the hard drive to 2 or more cd's ?
> Thank You,
> Joe Trimarchi
>       "Hold No Punches.." Rode brings you great shareware/freeware
>         programs with his honest opinions in this weekly column.

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