Discussiones in Interlingua


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Allan Kiviaho <[log in to unmask]>
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INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 09:04:46 +0200
text/plain (102 lines)
d[000220] x[Allan Kiviaho] KivA-02J
s[Re: Vamos]
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Allan Kiviaho 000217:
> Courier o Courier New 10 (largor fixate - fixed width) necesse est!

Adrian Neilson Hall 000218:
Primo, tutear es acceptabile? Io spera que si.
Allan Kiviaho 000220: An "tutear" es un parola inter-
lingual? Derivate ex anglese "tutor?"

Io non comprende. An tu non pote leger typos tal qual 'Arial'? Io es
preste a adjutar, sed il ha lacunas in mi cognoscentias re le protocol
del posta retal.
Allan: Io usa "Netscape 4.7". In ePosta on deberea
usar un fonte con largor fixate - fixed length, that
is, como Courier o Courier New, si on ha tabulas o
columnas in texto, p.ex. tabulatores sovente non
functiona inter le varie programmas de ePosta.

'Vamos' me pare unicamente espaniol. Tunc, 'vamos' non es
un parola 'international'. An alicuno pote explicar le
rationes detra le inclusion de 'vamos' in le vocabulario
international de Interlingua?
Allan: Io non ama le concepto "parola international"
sed preferea le "parola interlingual".

Re in "vamos": Como cognosciente Interlingua manca le
forma subjunctive (conjunctive) salvo un exception:
§ 111. The functions of the imperative can of course be taken over
by an emphatic present tense.

***************** [Grammatica de Gode & Blair] *******************
     For the use of the infinitive with imperative value, see § 91
above. The elliptic construction with que... '(I wish) that...' is
possible with all persons and serves in particular to express the
imperative of the first person plural.
     Que nos parti!
     'Let's go!'
     The dictionary word sia 'be (it)' may be construed as a
conjunction or as an exceptional subjunctive of esser. Taken in
the latter sense, it enters into constructions of imperative
     Io ama lilios del valles, sia in le campo, sia in un vaso
     'I love lilies of the valley, be it in the open, be it in a
       Le juvene maritos sia felice!
     '(May) The young couple be happy!'
       Sia gentile face me ille favor
     'Be nice and do me that favor'

'Vamos' non es le variante prototypic de 'allons' 'andiamo' e 'vamos'.
Illo resembla de necuna maniera le formas francese e italian, le
quales, secundo mi cognoscentias saepe erronee del etymologia, vene
del verbo 'ambulare' dum 'vamos' vene de 'vadere'. Le caso de 'vamos'
differe del caso de 'so', e 'son'. Istos son formas prototypic o al
minus es recognoscibile a parlatores monoglot del quatro linguas
Allan: "Vamos" es "prototypic" in le senso que illo ha
su radices in latino:
  "Amemus patriam, praesentes fructus neglegamus"
  "Vamos amar le patria, vamos negliger le profitos
  "Que nos amar le patria, negligente le profitos

Pensatas heretic:
"Amamos le patria, negligemos le profitos immediate"
"Amamo le patria, negligemo le profitos immediate"
Belle, nonne?

Sed in latino:
amare, amo (io ama), amamus (nos ama),
amemus (que nos amar, vamos amar)
In finnese:
rakastaa, rakastan, rakastamme,

Assi, si nos da un digito auricular al
diabolo - latino, ille - le diabolo - prende le tote
mano (nos nos necarea in le marisco sin fundo de
flexiones etc.).

Vamos nos salutar! Que nos salutar!


Le grammatica de Gode e Blair non ha le "vamos", illo
es solmente trovate in le IED.