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John Callan <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 10:36:48 -0500
text/plain (2605 bytes) , johncallan.vcf (199 bytes)
I enjoyed the story Michael.


[log in to unmask] wrote:

> A late afternoon shower brought little relief to the hot humid streets just outside grand Central.
> I crossed the Duce(42nd st)and was just coming up on Fifth with the pinch of  rush hour crowd.
> I was behind two flashy late model women sporting silk and the curves to go with it .They were carrying their brollys rolled tight; talking city talk with that lovely lilt of loud regional Long Island thrown in
> Keeping pace with the click of their Italian speed boat heels  ;
> I spun and bumped the paper hawk a quarter for a Post ;
> then settled behind them in remote controll to catch up on last nights  3 hitter,
> when Pettite of the Yanks pitched almost perfectly against the hapless  Mets in the in the much ballyhooed  subway series.
> Crossing Madison and
> By now the gals are talking  about men and Im reading about Vander Wals homer in the 8-0 blowout which pushed the Yanks ahead of  Bo-sox in the east by two games .
> At sixth ave the
> Office workers spill out into  the steam of the  Duce in droves ,and the pace of the lovely round heels becomes slower and rythmic in the heat and beat of the traffic.
> Crossing Broadway ;the crowd I am in,  are unexpectaively  suddenly cut short by a streatch limo, cutting lane in sudden turn with its massive  tail cutting short the conversation and path of the two women.
> Bad News
> The taller of the two; insenced; cracked the heel of her brolly on the tail of the  shiny streatch limo.
> Whack
> !This resulted in a direct  remark from the driver which began with  "Yo Bitch";
> But in mid sentence of what was a  filthy invective;
>  She counter punched with the sharp bite of the street
> . .
> "Fuck you Ya bald headed prick learn how to drive"
> Stuck in traffic the driver was helpless and impotent  as the mass of humanity passed his backside.Picking up pace again    we could hear the expected retorts of  'slut" and "whore";
> coming from the limo driver .
> To which this seasoned gladitor in silk; raised a middle finger above the crowd and while still walking advised the
> limo driver at the top of her lungs to
>   "spin an rotate ass hole"
> Then as if nothing had happened  the good women   crossed the last of Broadway resuming  their most geniual and pleasant conversations about men  leaving the limo driver beating his wheel and eating his tie as two foot patrolmen wrote him up.
> Looks like Hernandez is pitching tonight; might be a tough one.
> Michael
> --
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