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Martha Brassil <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 13:50:56 -0000
text/plain (93 lines)
Hi Tracy from what I have learned through years of experimentation with diet
is that it is very hard to build up muscular strength and endurance on raw
food. There are many people who are more Yin in constitution and hence a raw
food diet does not suit them in the least. As they lack the necessary
internal fire in themselves they need to get it from the food they eat. A
raw food diet is too cold for their digestive systems to handle and they get
sick. What i have also found is that the foods that are most eliminating are
the raw foods and too much elimination causes demineralisation in the body.
The raw foods favor breakdown rather than build up of the body.
Some raw foods , especially in the warm summer months are a good way of
cooling the body. Can you imagine suggesting to an eskimoo that he eat only
raw food? He would die.
I have found that raw food is more suitable for a warmer climate. if you
live in the colder northern hemisphere it is impossible to eat all raw food
and keep warm and healthy.
Saying that raw food is a must for everyone is misguided and dangerous and
reads like adherence to religious dogma.
Getting back to your question , you need good quality protein to build up
your body along with adequate carbohydrates and fats.
Who are these people who can eat raw meat? Cooking the meat makes it easier
for the body to digest and it tastes a lot nicer.
My advise to you lot out there is to go with the way your body feels rather
than the way you think you should feel if you follow the raw food doctrine.
I wish you well Tracy.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tracy Price" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: Bodybuilding on raw food

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stefan Jöst" <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 4:30 AM
> Subject: Bodybuilding on raw food
> > Tracy Price wrote:
> > >From what I here you guys saying, I am not sure who is the
> > >authority here and if NFL is all wet with thier recommendations.  I
> his
> > >workout routines are only for the steroid enhanced freaks.
> >
> > Pardon me, I lost the context here. Who is "his"? And who is
> > workout routines for steroid enhanced persons?
> > Stefan
> Let me see if I can clarify.  If Stephen Arlin is plagerizing in his book
> Raw Power, then who is the authority or source of his information.  Is the
> person he is copying the real "expert" on the subject matter in Stephen's
> book?  If the real source is elsewhere, I would prefer to go to the source
> for guidance.  This is what I was trying to get at.
> Secondly, I have read Stephen Arlin's workouts.  He suggests working out 6
> days a week with one day of rest.  His workouts consists of between 60 and
> 75 sets of resistance work, not including abdominal work.  If each set
> 2 minutes, that's over 2.5 hours per day of lifting weights (one minute
> set with one minute rest) and that doesn't even count the 100 situps and
> other stuff he says do.  I don't know about all you guys, but 25 sets on
> day at one minute rest during a high intensity workout will make me puke.
> That's why I made the statement I did.  The only guys I have ever seen do
> anywhere near, and most are not even near, a workout like he suggests, are
> getting serious pharmaceutical help.  And six days a week does not give
> body time to recover, raw food or not.
> So my question was, am I all wet on this or can eating raw food only turn
> into superman like Stephen Arlin.  If not, some help on how to workout and
> the right diet for body builders would be most appreciated.  By diet, I am
> referring here to raw foods.  I know there are pro body builders out there
> (Bill Pearl, Andreas Chaling) that are, or claim to be, vegetarian, but
> all consume milk and eggs like no tomorrow.  What I want to know is, is
> that really necessary. I don't want to be a pro BB or anything, I just
> to look muscular and be healthy.  Can I do it on raw food alone, and if
> how.
> Thanks for your help.
> Tracy