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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 12:39:15 -0800
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (114 lines)
>"Demeter", biologisch-dynamisch) with very strict rules
>about how to produce.  Of course *no* kind of chemical
>fertilizers are allowed.  Fertilizer may be compost or
>animal excrements but *only* from the own land
>or from likewise organic farms.

Yes the biodynamic way is saving the fertility of the land  more than other
organics method because they include animals in their land to recycle
nutrients. But yet often they still have to bring some manure from somewhere

>This IMO prevents the soil from becoming depleted on minerals.
>What would happen by only adding nitrogen (and few else) and
>carrying away it together with the soils own minerals.

At its best,  the biodynamic way, because it is  still relying on tilling
unbalanced fertilising ( way more shit  from fewer species than what will
naturally fall on a wild land - plants too like a diverse diet) will only
maintain the original fertility or augment it at the price of great effort
(if they use outside sources of nutrients)
>The bad news are, that emerging countries (like india) often rely
>on the big growing harvests from "wonder grains", pesticides and
>chemical fertilizers.

the good news is that i visited few farms in India practicing Naturel way of
farming and the movment is strong there (certainly the strongest in the

>Such non-organic harvests are between 2 and 6-fold of organic.

that is not the case of the farm that i visited where their Pigeon peas  on
untilled unfertilised land were
truely twice as high than their neighbour's field using chemicals ( it is
true they were not too scientific about using chemicals)
in india  there is a famous organic farmer who have way more production of
foods by acre than the best chemicals farm (mostly because of the rich
biodiversity of crops living together)

>Our organic way makes microlife rapidly better in a few years.
>So, that you can dig into the earth with bare hands.

Yes for sure at the price of great effort (Loading tons of  organic matters)
but still there is not a lot of domestic plants that can do the job of
certains specifics wild plant ( like yellow dock here bringing minerals from
deep down) the weeds in biodynamic farms too are not allowed to grow  too
much in the fields.
>Other constraints, which i consider important too, are that crops
>mustn't be genetically engeneeded ones

Monsanto is a chemical fertiliser company.  they went on  the engineering
business so they can sale more fertilisers to farmers using their seeds.
they advertise as if it would be the opposite .
the funny thing that i learned few days ago is that in a monsanto
plant they  banned  genetically engineered foods from their cafetaria
because the workers ask them so
So they are responsive to pressure of peoples not wanting to eat engineered
food. Please let them know that you don't want to buy theur stuff and let
the governments know that you want it to be label.
Ask your suppliers ,here we have a supermarket chain who are seriously
considering of banning Frankeinfoods. from their store .

>>If you are interested in a real sustainable no cultivation
>>,fertilisation mean to produce mineral rich food  in a semi
>>paleo way ( you still have to sow and selecting plants). read
>>Masanobu Fukuoka authour of "The naturel way of farming","one
>>straw revolution", and road back to Nature.
>I am. Thanks for the tip. Maybe his ideas are close to
>what i described as my vision.

I am sure because it is as  close as it can get to the natural order of
things. It is a step toward recreating a natural ecosystem producing food.

here the web sites about Masanobu 's work
natural way of farming websites

The naturel way of farming by Kirby Fry

on a green mountain : visit to his farm

Naturel way of farming by jim bones

Vithal C. Nadkarni article in   the times of India OCT 18 1997

congres in Pune with Masanobu

his books

how to buy his books

samples of his writing

southern europe green belt ( regreening the desert)

>From what you told, i guess that this is what you are doing.

yes , mostly because now that i know, i just can't do anything else. i will
feel my conscience torn apart.
