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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 05:39:28 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
. How do you know when a virus
>is present anyway?
The same way that any MD will diagnose a flu ,thru observation of symptoms.
Every one of us know how it feel to have a flu, even in a mild form i can
feel some muscle aches etc...

>>he process of detoxification can
>>get out of hand ( it is exactly what is happening too  when eating cooked
>>making medical intervention necessary, so there is no reason to be more
>>scared because one is eating raw).
>"Detoxing" gets out of hand with instinctos as well. Wild animal succumb to
>disease in spite of their instinct. Face it.

If animals in the wild are as sick as humans there is no point for  anybody
to  change their diet . I have yet to see one wild animal in its naturel
environment getting obese for example , it must exist a regulating system
for them to maintain this "perfect weight". Yes it happens , wild goats fall
sometimes (rarely) off the cliff , yet they  generally have a sens of what
is right to do to not  slip on the slippery rock.
>Like Nicole Burger's uterine cancer? Like Zephyr's bout with trichonosis?
>Like chronic staph infections? Like toxoplasmosis during pregnancy?

Not easy for human to be as sure footed than goat., specially with human
ability to create mountain of problems ,with  its intellect.

>>Yet you ate "too much fruit" (like every other instincto in
the world ;))
>using your own nose as guidance. Then, reading this mailing list gave you
>the instinct to increase your animal food consumption--

my attraction to meats increased thru the years of eating instinctively way
before i had a computer ( barely one year ago) getting to the pa;eolist was
just a confirmation and reaffirmation.
I ate fruits (50 % for years) and it served me well to eliminate  from the
body the residues of my previous grain eater past, i just slowly evolved
toward an other work to do , the previous fruit attraction faded away but is
still making me climb  100 years old pear trees.. Fruits are great as a
source of energy as long you spend it thru exercising.

>are advertising that a particular regime will give you that power, but it

There is no power in any regime or outside sources, the power comes from
choosing what is going to be integrated.
That is the healthy choice to decide to not be a victim anymore of what is
happening  to me .

<The idea that we might have such power over our health is comforting
>for all sorts of reasons.
There is a power able to keep you alive right now ,to maintain homeostasis
between your body and what is not your body, That might be a fragile balance
but you are expected to maintain it for certain number of years before you
lose that power of choosing what is right for you
<, Nature is not perfect, it simply
>works. Evolution is not perfect; it is a balance of trade-<off

 That balance is the perfection , it is dynamique perfection

>So you noticed this body feedback with your intellect or what? ;)
 ahahah  That is precisely what instinctive eating is about: FEELING
< What did y ou tell yourself when your "nose was still <subservient to your
My intellect could not be of any help til i felt (that something was in need
of change) . i had to put aside
the attempts of the intellect to rationalise feelings,

>How do you know you are no deluding yourself similarily now?
i am all the time  deluding myself because my intellect want to crystallise
in space and time  the evermoving elvolving reality.
Truth of yesterday is lie of tomorrow, mistakes of yesterday is corrected
today. Tomorrow i don't. know.