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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Jun 2000 15:12:56 -0400
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
On Wed, 31 May 2000 20:38:03 EDT, Gawen Harrison <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Most people will have trouble digesting the amount of nuts you recommend.

I didn't recommend any amount.
Its so:
pemmican is a easy transported food, with relations of fat and
protein adequate to achieve a balanced calorie supply (w/o carbs).
Similar to to what stephansson  - ate 550kcal meat and 2100 kcal fat.
Similar to what inuit eat (about same amount fat as meat- in volume?).
But it is in nature to hunters available only in relative small amounts.

If a deer (or whatever) had 6% fat, much of it will be brain and marrow.
Which aren't usable as pemmican fat because deteriorating fast.
Historically suitable will have been as fat: suet, kidney fat.
How much kidney fat has a deer? 1kg? to 50 kg meat?
(actual hunters may have better estimations, please jump in).

To 49kg meat and 2 kg pemmican per animal (its 1:1, isn't it).
I don't know of digestion problems from nuts, but i most often
have to stop after about 100g of nuts/almonds/other fatty seeds.

I actualy recommend(ed) nuts because they have protein and fat in about the
same percentage as pemmican (about 50% fat and 15% protein).
AND they *are* actually paleo.
The artefacts show this, and they are unmodified food as found in nature.
Haven't heard about a homo habilis rendering fat - because of unavailable
pans ;-)

>Some people also have problems with the lectins in nuts.
That's true. By lectins or whatever, nuts are what often cause allergies.
This may also be the effect of a nut/eater symbiont establishment.
So not too much can be eaten in one meal. And more has to be stored
and carried around (good for the tree).

Leads me to think about the amount of protein or fat or kcal a meal
should have at most.
There's a maximum a human is capable to utilise sensefully, per meal.

> Nuts are not equal
>to meat.

Of course not. Nuts have an equal protein/fat combo to pemmican and
to humans normal requirements. Meat alone hasn't enough fat.
Only industry generated animals (pig, 30-40% fat) or arctic animals
(walrus) have an adequate fat proportion.

Again the question to Ray Audette: Do you eat your rabbits
with fat from other sources?

