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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 14:54:01 MST
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Cyber Greetings, All!

As you may have noticed, this message is going many places at once.  This
isn't quite my style, but I have a lot to do and only so much time before I
begin my latest adventure so I thought I'd save some time and tell you all
at once.

Most of you are aware of my decision to go into health care, but for those
who find this something straight out of left field, here's the scoop.

On January 1, 1998, I gave low-carb dieting a try.  To say it worked is
quite an understatement.  I went from blimpdon to pleasingly plump and
pretty darn healthy, thank you very much.  After who-knows-how-many hours of
talking, reading and writing about health and nutrition it finallly dawned
on me; why not get paid for it?  So I decided to become a nutritionist.

Here's where the story gets quite interesting.  About a year ago I saw a
story on one Dr. Loren Cordain of CSU, an expert on Paleolithic nutrition.
I thought, hey, great story idea for a diet newsletter for which I write.
So I call CSU and arrange an interview.  Cordain returned me call and was
gracious enough to invite me to hear him speak in Boulder.  So I go and,
after his presentation, take the liberty of shaking his hand.  Cordain then
introduced me to Robert Crayhon, a nutritionist and president of Designs for
Health Institute.  In, oh, 90 seconds, (he acutally talks faster than me!)
Crayhon tells me about his books and suggests I interview him for an article
sometime.  Nifty, I say, and tuck the info in the back of my brain for
later.  Later than I care to admit, I decide to ask Crayhon for some career
advice; dietitian or nutritionist, how do I get there, yadda yadda yadda.  I
thought for sure Crayhon would've forgotten me by this point, but I call him
anyway.  Not only does he remember me, but he also gives me wonderful advice
and asks for my resume.  The rest, as they say, is history.  He receives my
resume and tells me he'd like to talk to me in the near future about working
for him.  The near future was yesterday.  We meet, we talk, he offers, I
take.  Bing badda bing!

To the point.  I will soon be the Office Manager at Designs for Health
Institute.  In short, Crayhon's organization brings nutritionists and other
health care professionals up to speed with the latest information on diet
and nutrition.  Check out to learn more, if you like.
Better yet, go to where Crayhon
interviews Cordain.  For those unfamiliar with Paleolithic nutrtion, this is
the concept in a nutshell.  If you think eating like a caveman is weird,
this article is will put that misconception to rest.

As usual, this message is longer than originally intended.  But allow one
more tidbit.  Most of you know my career has been stuck in a rut for a
while.  Journalism was fun to start with, but I couldn't afford it any more.
  That, and it went from important information (politics, law, etc) to pure
fluff.  So I went from one dead-end job to another, always looking for the
Dream Job.  I even lost a job or two along the way.  But I've learned a lot.
  For one thing, I know what I want to be when I grow up; some people don't
figure this out until it's too late.  But more importantly, there's more to
life than getting ahead.  If anything, it's about what you can give, not
what you can get.  A career in nutrition will allow me to give people the
information they need to change thier lives for the better.  This
opportunity at Designs for Health is a wonderful step in the right
direction.  Not only will I be working in my chosen field sooner than
expected, I'll also be working with Crayhon and other important researchers,
including my hero, Dr. Cordain.  It's like a wanna-be priest landing a job
in the Vatican and, oh yeah, you'll be rubbing elbows with the Pope.

Welp, that's about it.  A heartfelt thank you to all of those who've wished
me luck along the way.  Ain't life grand?  I have a lot of books to read
before I begin my new job, and I hear the red rocks of Moab calling me so I
may not be on line as often as usual over the next few weeks.  Here's to a
wonderful future for all of us!

Dori Zook
85 Elati St.
Denver, CO 80223
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