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Sat, 19 Feb 2000 17:19:53 -0400
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Several people have been pondering *to eat breakfast or not to eat
breakfast* before exercising and the issue of what to eat.  For those with a
history of hypoglycemia or diagnosed as borderline diabetic, skipping
breakfast or just eating fruit for breakfast may not work.

Some can exercise on an empty stomach, others perform like dog *do-do* if
they do do more than go for a walk!!!  Some research shows that skipping
breakfast before a workout can help you burn more fat IF you are doing
aerobic exercise.  It is not a good idea nor very effective if you want to
train with weights (where the goal is to increase strength and add lean
mass).  With weight training, you will burn more fat over time, if you
increase your lean mass.  But the goal of weight lifting in and of itself is
not to burn fat.  If you are on a FAT BURNING DIET, moderate to low-carb,
moderate to high protein  (as opposed to low-fat, high-carb), you will
already (presumably) be in a fat burning mode (esp. if in caloric deficit
due to dieting), so you don't need to skip breakfast to burn fat.

If you are just planning to go for a vigorous walk, in my experience no
adjustments to my normal breakfast are required.  I simply eat as follows:

* 2 fried eggs mixed served with beef or turkey jerky or leftover fish or
meat and a side (usually a heaping cup or so) of steamed, sauteed, stir
fried or parboiled leafy green or mixed veggies, often with a tsp. of lemon
flavored cod liver oil on the greens (for EPA, DHA, vit. A & D) unless I
sauteed them.  Sometimes I have 1/2-1 orange or grapefruit or the equivalent
of some other fruit.

*  A rare hamburger patty, meatballs, steak tartare, ceviche, or leftover
chicken (a hindquarter or 2 thighs) or 4-5 oz. chicken or turkey breast plus
a large green salad with homemade mayo or salad dressing, or cooked leafy or
mixed veggies, sometimes with a piece of fruit or berries.

* Angeled eggs (just like deviled but less evil sounding!!! ;-) with steamed
greens or mixed veggies or salad or tuna salad with salad or veggies and an

I eat breakfast at 7 am, then workout with weights at 9 am or do 20-30
minutes on a treadmill (Hey the sidewalks are an ice slick right now where I
live!!!).  If you want to eat and work out hard shortly thereafter, you
might try a fruit smoothie with raw or soft boilede eggs (for protein and
fat) or powdered egg whites with nut butter or flax oil or melted coconut
