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Mon, 7 Feb 2000 11:20:32 -0500
"Raymond, Charles E. x1280" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
You folks who have been flogging my milk post seem to have missed the point
entirely. Who really cares if Grog on the Savannah killed a cow or goat and
ate the milk it may or may not have had in it? All you can do is speculate
whether or not ancient peoples did or didn't. We do not come home from a
days work, change into a loin cloth, go out in the backyard and spear a cow
from the neighborhood herd. What most of us do is go to the local store and
buy a gallon of chemically treated Milk. It was my intent to point out that
the Milk in the grocery store is not fit for human consumption due to the
current processes used to treat the cows, etc. I'm one of the lucky people
who can not tolerate dairy, therefore I avoid it at all costs. I don't care
what kind of social event is going on, I do not use social events or any
other lame reason as an excuse to change my dietary habits. That's like
saying, "Well, I only drink and drive whenever I'm with someone else,
normally I don't drink when I drive." You can speculate and debate the issue
all night long, the simple FACT remains that a cow's milk is intended to be
consumed by BABY COWS. A human mother's milk is intended to be consumed by
HUMAN INFANTS, another FACT. How many gallons of human breast milk do you
see lining the shelves at the local store? I have yet to see herds of women
grazing in the field, hooked up to machines, pumping out gallons of hormone
laden puss.

If you happen to live on a farm and own a cow or goat that produces milk,
and you happen to drink that milk, or churn butter or make cheese, great.
More power to you, my question though, why not find a nursing human mother
and squeeze out a tall cold glass of her milk? It's the same thing, only the
human mother's milk is meant for humans, whereas cow's milk is meant
for...who could have guessed it...cows. It's highly unlikely that you'll
ever see cheese or ice cream or any dairy product boasting about the fact
that they are made from 100% pure human mothers milk. And just why not? If a
cow's milk is good for us, why not our own mothers milk? Any excuse you give
is a mute point, there should be no reason from a natural standpoint to
discriminate between the two if you believe cows milk is good for us. So,
don't come back with some argument about human babies having to go without,
cause we can line up women in a human dairy farm and load them with growth
hormones too. I'm sure Monsanto can get them to produce plenty of milk. Why
not? Forget the rules of society for the moment.

Now, why is it absurd that a H/G would say that cow's milk is not intended
to be consumed by anything other than a cow? For one, I don't know of any
true H/G on this list, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting in front of a
computer. The H/G would have had to kill a nursing mother animal in order to
get its milk, in nature most nursing animals make an effort to hide
themselves and their young from predators. Not that I've seen a cow dig a
den or anything, but how likely was it that Grog happened upon a nursing
animal in which to get the tiny amount of milk from? You don't know, you can
guess, but you don't know. You don't honestly believe he sliced open the
sack of every single kill and a gallon of Superbrand, Grade A homogenized
plopped out do you? Perhaps Grog pulled out his Oreos and dunked them in the
tiny amount that was available, perhaps he used his blender to whip up a
frothy milk and blood protein shake? And, if you believe Grog just lazily
sauntered over to the nearest nursing animal and squeezed out a few mouth
fulls of milk, you obviously haven't tried to milk a wild animal before.
I've had tame cows kick me in the process of milking them, luckily I knew
what was about to happen and avoided the full force of the blow, we were not
meant to get their milk. Ever see a cow kick its calf for nursing or trying
to nurse? Don't even think you're getting next to a sow when she's got
babies, unless you want to get hurt. Then again, maybe I've just been
unlucky when I've worked the farms around here and have only met the
nastiest of the animal kingdom. Sometimes I think you folks who like to put
every little comment under a microscope, need to get out and enjoy life once
in awhile. You take yourselves much too seriously. Then again, maybe this
all you have to do with your life, what a shame to try and live in and
analyze the past, you're wasting your life away. Why not dedicate your
efforts towards paying attention to the here and now cause it's getting
pretty ugly for the rest of us modern day suburban hunter gatherers. In case
you haven't noticed, the landscape has changed dramatically.