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Sun, 6 Feb 2000 09:15:41 -0800
David Karas <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Justin Hasselman wrote:

> David, thanks for the advice.  I have a few more questions.  Are Wild
> Oats and Whole Foods located only in your area or do they distribute to
> other areas (I live in Jefferson City, MO).  If they do, could you
> please give me their phone numbers.

Wild Oats and Whole Foods are nation wide Health food chains that may or
may not be in your area. I have found that the hormone and antibiotic
free meats have better flavor that commercial meats when eaten raw. A
plus to look for is grass fed (pastured) meat. Another thing that I have
found important is sufficient fat. Since we have developed a fat phobia,
so producers pride themselves on producing (relatively) low fst meat. If
I don't get enough fat my body does not feel right. I have adopted a non
paleo solution and eat at least 5 pounds of raw milk cheese a week. I
also eat at least as much of beef each week. I also do not worry about
bacteria. There is bacteria everywhere you can't really get rid of it
all. On a healthy diet it should not be a problem. Intestinal flora are
necessary for proper digestion and your body will develope the proper
balance. I know people who eat meat that you might consider rotten to
get the proper intestinal flora. Your body wants to be in balance and
will get there if you get out of the way and eat unprocessed (paleo?)

> What is the purpose of aging meat
> (I'm not disagreeing with you, just want clarification)?  Why do you
> place the meat 'uncovered'?

Aging seems to improve the digestability of the meat. We seem to
function well as scavingers in spite of what we are told. The uncovered
part allows the air to circulate around the meat and will avoid bad

> What types of raw meat have you been eating the last 3 years besides
> chicken?  What about pork -- I heard raw pork is a no-no because of
> trickinosis (spelling).

I eat mostly beef because it is easily available and cheaper. I like
buffalo and venison when I can get it. Raw fatty fish (tuna, salmon
etc.) is also good. I sometimes eat raw organ meat also. My favorite is
lamb heart. Pork can be a problem. I think that I tried it raw once.