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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
"Raymond, Charles E. x1280" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Jan 2000 09:34:08 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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You guys will get to realize that I carry my soapbox with me 24/7. I'm about
to climb on it again, I saw the 48 Hours segment and it was (as usual) the
worst piece of garbage I've witnessed in a while. My hat is off to Ray and
his family for allowing those morons into his home and his life. My wife is
quick to believe anything she sees and hears when it is on TV and if it is
180 degrees out from what I'm doing. As we watched the debacle that is
commonly known as 48 Hours, I continuously pointed out the types of food
that all of the Surgery victims and pill takers continued to eat. Did anyone
notice the pancakes smeared with peanut butter? Hell, in my most fanatical
days of carb loading, I never had THAT much. All the cookies/cakes/candy
stashed in the cabinets? The milk and other garbage these people still
insisted that they had to have. I don't know about you guys, but when I saw
the lady taking bird bites of her cracker, I wanted to throw the TV out the
window. I don't care how full you feel, that has nothing to do with the size
of the bite that you take, this lady was obviously playing to the camera. I
was not impressed with the amounts of weight that these misguided souls were
loosing either, how permanent is the weight lose? As soon as the pill taker
decides to quit taking them, she'll balloon up again as evidenced by her
pretzel stick eating and Diet Doctor Pepper drinking. I'm sure she eats just
about anything she wants. Hopefully not too much fat, I'd hate to crap my
pants uncontrollably. Talk about skid marks in your underwear, I hear the
laughable advertisement for that drug on TV all the time, oily discharges,
yuck. Oh Boy! That's what I want to take to make me loose weight, your
laundry bill will be outrageous just the same as your Pharmacy bill.

The surgery victims will no doubt loose weight for a time, how healthy is
having your system sliced apart? Even then, it won't last forever. I believe
that the lady who was bad mouthing the surgeries was correct in listing all
of the problems she's seen with patients who have had this surgery. This is
one typical example of how far people are willing to go for a quick and easy
fix to their problems. The woman and her daughter had proclaimed that they
had tried to eat less and diet away the pounds, yet they show them at the
table eating skillet sized stacks of pancakes with peanut butter smeared on
them, PLEAAASSSEE!! Some body smack me with a hammer. Then there was the
brief segment on the people who like being fat, well, whatever. These are
people who have just become too lazy to do anything else, no willpower to
exercise and control their intake of junk and have decided to make an
attempt at being fat an acceptable thing. I have no patience for excuses as
to why one cannot control themselves when it comes to anything. The simple
fact remains, these people are in the state they are in because they didn't
do anything to change for the better. Then 48 Sours comes along and
gleefully exploits the surgery victims and pill taker for a story. I wonder
why they didn't offer to introduce them to Ray and at least let them make an
informed decision about all of their options? OR if the Vegetarian quack was
so great, why not turn them on to him? Did you guys actually expect any
different from a news program? These people are not going to broadcast
anything that flies in the face of what the establishment wants them to say.
If you didn't know, I despise any type of news program, paper, or tabloid.
They certainly are not informative, and they certainly do not provide both
sides of a story. As we witnessed last night, how one sided was that? Here
is all that modern medicine can do for you, at a seemingly small price, and
then here's some guy who likes to eat fat and protein, (which will kill you,
by the way, according to Elmer Fudd the Vegan), who is trying to cash in on
the diet book craze. Or you can just be happy being fat.

I feel we all should file suit against CBS for draining one hour from our
lives. Now I'm that much more dumber for having suffered through an hour of
Murphy Brown, I mean 48 Hours. Same thing, at least Murphy Brown was
entertaining. Again, thumbs up to Ray for allowing these used car salesman
rejects into his home and the way Ray intelligently presented his side of
the story. I now super slowly leave my soapbox and return you to your
regularly scheduled Digest.