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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 03:14:08 MST
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Trish asked:

>Would paleo eating, or in any case, diet in general effect a
>menstrual cycle and the production of (menstrual flow)?

You bet!  But GOOD changes.  Pardon my redundance (I mentioned this in my
intro post), but by reducing carbs my periods went from 31-50 days apart to
32-35 days apart IMMEDIATELY.  I have PCOS, a female hormonal imbalance
which causes a veritable cornucopia of problems on top of irregular
menstrual cycles.  The best thing PCOS patients can do is go low-carb
(preferably paleo, of course!).

>a nutritionist client of mine...claimed periods are not suppose to >be
>painful in the first place: No pain, no pms, nothing else.

I've heard the no-pain line more than once and I agree; intense pain just
doesn't sound right.   I'd say go to your GYN/OB and have him or her check
it out.  But DON'T mention the diet, at least not in the beginning.
Otherwise, you'll get the 'you're-KILLING-yourself!' routine and may even
risk hearing the
'eat-a-healty-diet-and-see-what-happens-before-we-order-tests' spiel.  Who
has time for hot air?  Run some tests and see what they show.

You did say the Greek escapade was 20+ years ago; could this be menopause?
I've heard about it striking women in thier 40s.

As for this person's assertion there should be no PMS, I wonder what his
definition is.  As in, no sensational desire to murder?  Or no' hmmmm, I can
tell Aunt Flo is coming'?  On top of regulating my cycles, I've noticed
wonderful changes in symptoms, or the lack thereof, I should say.  But I
still notice differences in my body when The Event is just around the
corner.  If I remember correctly, this person was a he.  Sorry, but with all
the education in the world, he'll never fully understand the menstrual cycle
since he doesn't have one.  Sorry, paleodudes, but that's just the way it

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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