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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 May 2000 10:26:17 -0800
text/plain (68 lines)
Zoe <[log in to unmask]> schrieb am 15.05.00:

> No I'm not disturbed by your vegetarianism, I was a vegetarian myself
> for many years. I was just curious - because I thought all
> Paleolithic eaters were meat eaters, it piqued my curiosity to see
> your posts. I don't want to argue with you about what those remote
> ancestors ate - I'm new to this idea and don't know enough anyway.

I think this is the fascinating difference to other nutrition systems
based on any "idea": just think how actual anchestors have eaten and
formed their genes.
Most list participiants (and quite mainy are ex-vegetarians) follow
the way described by Ray Audette. And this is a meat *based* way of
How much this is actual connected to real-paleo?
As far as not, it's only a paleo-related way of dieting.
Based on a inuit like nutrition.
This is why I'm very concerned about this, and I think
people interested in real paleo benefits IMO should be interested too.

> And just as important to me as any historical accuracy is how a
> particular WOE makes my body feel - and I know that when I eat plenty
> of protein, with no sugar, white flour, or dairy, and very low carbs,
> I feel way way better, can lose weight, can go off my blood pressure
> meds, and not eat compulsively.

This is a very good reason - to feel good (maybe the best).
As i told you, exactely this is not the case for me, feelings have
also a base different from food intake.

Ray's approach, as i may call it,
has for me an unquestioned sense in discarding "modern" nasty
food items you mention (sugar, white flour)...

Additional there is an anti-allergenic sense in avoiding antinutrients
(from legumes and cereals) sounds actually very paleo.
Cow milk is also a frequent allergene - why is not so clear.

Replacing much different plant proteins with meat protein is also a way
to go less allergene-prone (actual paleo or not).

"Very low carb"- is a nice and funny nutrition style probably hardly ever
connected to a actual paleo lifestyle. Just different.
Only achievable by meat masses because there's no other nearly-carb-free
protein-source in nature (i'm aware of). This seems to be the only
connection to neanderthin.

What you tell about white flour, compulsative eating and so on sounds very
much like a (working) way to overcome the sugar attack. Problems
related to "modern carbohydrate" and gaining energy from food. I
personally are hardly ever interested in sweet things (but many vegs

And there are hardly ever real sweet things found in nature (even not
fruit as original or at least with appropiate vitamins). I'm just
preparing a little text on food energy, nutrition and related

Amadeus S.

Zoe Sodja
Document Publishing & Editing Center
University of California Santa Cruz
(831) 459-3882
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