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"I. STEPHEN MARGOLIS" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 02:29:56 -0500
text/plain (118 lines)
I am not going to defend ADAPT's actions, per se.  I am not a member, do not
intend to be, have no role with them.  I forward their posts to this group
because I receive them, find them interesting, usually informative, and
expect people in this group are sufficiently capable of finding their delete
button or otherwise able to make up their brilliant minds about what they

I dislike what I see as a trend toward slander and a rush to judgment and
opinions absent facts.  Kyle expressed his observations, ADAPT theirs.  I am
glad Kyle can distinguish sleet from snow and knows the names of buildings
in Cleveland.  In the melee, confusion, and time lags between events and
reports it seems reasonable that inaccuracies occurred in what ADAPT
reported.  Did ADAPT intentionally propagandize, who knows really?, probably
they did.

I like Kyle.  He knows that.  I admire his intelligence and his writings.  I
surely don't always agree with him.  I wonder if he got the rest of his day
off when he couldn't get into his workplace?  I don't suppose he joined the
demonstration?  What I'm teasing about is that Kyle's report was slanted by
his point of view.  We know him and like him so we side with him.

Now if ADAPT is using lies and propaganda I don't think that hurts the
disability movement, that hurts ADAPT and undermines their credibility.  We
here can decide for ourselves the merits of their statements.  In that sense
we are fortunate that Kyle was present, as he claims, and gave us an
alternative view.

I don't usually like ADAPT'S methods or agree with their positions.  But I
give them credit for acting on their principles and beliefs.  They do
advocate for the most neglected and abused of us.  They put their disabled
bodies on the line while others of us watch.  They might look at us and say
"Talk is cheap."  They may think we're privileged, snobs, or cowards for not
being with them.  (I think we're sensible for not wanting to get hurt.)

Now I believe each of us serves the cause of advocacy and many are the ways
to get results.  I also believe there are many levels of truth and motives
behind human actions and words.  I also believe that people can be sinister,
nasty, and petty; hide maliciousness behind smiles, hurt instead of heal,
punish where they can't persuade.

I am glad to see Betty kept her word and got to the Fair Housing Hearing.  I
am looking forward to a substantive report.

Steve M.

From: Betty Alfred <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: ADAPT Secures Meeting With Senski- Highway Patrol Derails It
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 23:42:47 EST

In a message dated 11/03/1999 9:25:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< I'm all for using peaceful, nonviolent methods, but I'm begining to
 have a problem with ADAPT.    I'm sorry, but I don't think our movement
 can be served by  diluting and distorting truth.  Anyone else have this
 Problem? >>

I think you're absolutely right.  How can we trust a release from ADAPT
the future?   Unfortunately, If they are making similar statements to
general public, it hurts the credibility of the entire disability rights

To switch gears a little (but this is sort of in the same vein), I went
the Fair Housing hearing last Thursday and frankly, I was embarrassed.
couple of PWDs showed up dressed so inappropriately, that I wanted to
them if they thought they were going to a bowling alley.  Business
attire is
the "uniform of the day" on Capitol Hill (and anywhere else business is
conducted), and if you want to be taken seriously there, you have to
for the occasion.  You can't wear a tee shirt and jeans.  I tread
lightly on
this subject, because I am aware that people on SSDI and such are
for cash.  I also know that people may honestly not realize the
importance of
this.  Additionally, their participation was laudable; I acknowledge
But -- the first impression will be the person's appearance, and proper
attire is a requisite if an activist wants to look credible.  Activism
is a
noble profession.

But yes Mike, I agree with you wholeheartedly.  Dr. King continually
a philosophy of nonviolent resistance.

Tribal blessings (Boy, I like that.  You might see it again),

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