Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:24:02 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 14:58:53 -0800, Mary <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Todd, so wouldn't almost everyone be zinc deficient, then? Even those on a
>paleo diet? Unless they are eating oysters all day!
>I hate giving him supplements as i have no idea what is really in them and
>even find they are encapsulated with soybean oil (Iboughtsome fish oil that
>was encapsulated with soybean oil)
>Anyway, what other foods are good sources of zinc?...

I may remind you of a little list i have compiled from my nutrition
program (it allows to sort for selected ingredients per weight).

N.B.:Well it would be more handy to have a program, which can exclude
non-interesting food items (like non-paleo and non-stone-age and processed)
sort per ingredient per 1000kcal (instead of weight) and maybe
sort also on amino acids (tryptophan interested).
(Hint, hint Richard A. i know nobody else who could do this :-)

My little list for ZINC is at

It shows that oysters are *unreachable*.
It shows that various seeds are at top ranks - but as we know
many seeds have the problem that they contain phytate which prohibits
from assimilating the minerals (to what extent?? how's that changeable?).
Some seeds (poppy? sesame? Sunflowers) may be low/free of phytin.
But tree-seeds (NUTS) should be favourable - like brasils.
This again supports my impression of early steppe hominids as nutatarians
maybe like Kung.

From a meat-point of view, organ meats are there - that means 200g
of innards per day - everyday.... (stomach? lung?)

Also stuff low in zinc (or whatever) may be interesting , if you can
eat really much of it. Like some vegetables. But for zinc i only recall
onions (1 lbs = 1 days amount).
