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Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 03:23:56 EST
text/plain (154 lines)
Jo Yoshida wrote re: Harvey Diamond, the co-author of the best selling
"Fit For Life".
Harvey Diamond wrote "The Magical Missing Link to Power Healing-Your
Lymph System".
Unfortunately Harvey is incorrect, re: lymph. There is no clinical evidence
nor scientific evidence to corroborate Harvey's contention re: lymph being
"The Magical Missing Link to Power Healing".
What is lymph? Lymph is formed from tissue fluid by the physical process of
diffusion. Lymph carries products of metabolism from tissues to blood.
Harvey wrote "that I limp noticeably, and have limited use of my arms and
Harvey wrote that he is ill because, in 1966, during the Vietnam War, while
he served "in the U.S. Armed Services, I was sent to Vietnam where I was
exposed to Agent Orange, a derivative of Dioxin, considered to be the most
deadly man-made toxin ever concocted. It causes, and I have, a a condition
called Peripheral Neuropathy, which destroys the muscles of the body,
starting with the arms and legs."
Jo wrote re: Harvey "But I'm wondering if his long-term raw veganism might
have had some effect on neurological function (like Herbert Shelton) and
therefore his muscles have atrophied as a result of disuse. Maybe that might
have convinced him to start consuming RAF."
Harvey has never been a raw food vegan. Harvey has never water fasted. I
Harvey personally for over 25 years. Based on Harvey's past usual cooked
nutritional lifestyle, I doubt that now that Harvey is eating animal foods,
that he is eating raw animal foods or anything similar, raw.
I doubt that his alleged Peripheral Neuropathy, is a result of his contact
with Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.
Dr. Herbert M. Shelton may have been the most prolific writer on water
fasting, but unfortunately did not understand how to properly water fast.
Shelton suffered for over 25 years with Parkinson's Disease, which
progressively crippled him and killed him. He water fasted several times
during his Parkinson's Disease but could not arrest nor reverse his
Parkinsonian symptoms.
                                  WHY WE BECOME ILL
All illness is caused by wrong physical lifestyle, i.e., incorrect eating,
incorrect living habits, wrong mentality, i.e., incorrect thinking and wrong
spirituality, incorrect beliefs.
None of us in "civilization" are "intelligent" and therefore none of us have
correct living, correct thinking and correct spirituality.
Perfect health is not found anywhere among mankind in "civilization".
All of us in "civilization", sooner or later, become ill, acutely and
Our subsequent well-being or possible crippling and/or death, depends on
we choose to do, when we become ill.
All pain, symptoms, dysfunction, illness and disease, are self-limited,
will heal by themselves, if we do not suppress our health problems, whether
they be physical, mental and/or spiritual.
All health problems when we first develop them are acute, and will self-heal
within seconds, minutes, hours or days.
If we suppress our acute health problems, i.e., interfere with its
self-healing, we develop a chronic health problem, which may exist for
months, years or a lifetime. If we don't permit our chronic health
problem to
self-heal, it will exacerbate and eventually kill us. That is why all human
beings prematurely die. All human beings, if and when they die, should die
only from so-called natural causes, at a very advanced age or from very
severe trauma.
I discovered that every pathology and physiological dysfunction produces a
concomitant symptomatology in all human beings. Nobody else, other than I,
has ever had previously the insight to write about this inherent
This means, that your inherent intelligence, your God within, is always
talking to you.  If you listen to it and obey it, you will always have good
health. So whenever you are ill, your inherent intelligence produces
upon which you should concentrate, meditate on, pay attention to and feel,
until you are asymptomatic, i.e., until your symptoms completely and
permanently disappear. If and when you will do this, your illness and the
cause of your illness, will always help heal completely and permanently.
                                         HOW TO ALWAYS GET WELL
If you are sick, to get well, close your eyes and keep them closed, 24/7,
i.e., every moment you can!
Closing the eyes, rests the brain and mind. An electric rhythm starts as
as the eyes are closed and ceases immediately when they are opened. This
rhythm serves-to clear "negative charges" from the brain. Activity of the
eyes prevents recuperation from occurring.
When your eyes are closed and you are at complete rest, bodily energies
rejuvenate, cells replenish, tissues repair and organs refresh
themselves and
are made ready for renewed activity.
When you are sick, you are greatly devitalized and enervated (exhausted)
over activity, excesses, stimulation and emotional excitement. Close your
eyes and keep them closed, for completely resting every part of your body.
Animals and babies instinctively know they must close their eyes to feel
The most common, difficult to manage diseases, are often related to a sleep
deficiency. If you are sick or tired, you have a sleep deficiency. Healing
takes place, when you are asleep or your eyes are closed. If you are sick,
you have a deficiency of healing, therefore a deficiency of sleep.
The body makes the healing of a bone a priority, as opposed to doing other
things that are not quite as important. With additional sleep, and/or
your eyes, the healing process will be better and faster. If you are unwell
because of an injury, the more sleep and/or closing your eyes, the quicker
you will heal. It does not matter what is or what causes your health
whether it is because of lifestyle abuse or external trauma.
You need more sleep and/or closing your eyes. That is the most important
thing you can do to make you well.
                                          HOW TO GAIN MORE ENERGY
Vital energy is produced by the blessed elixir of sleep and/or closing your
eyes. Sleep and/or closing your eyes are nature's great restorative healing
processes. Vital energy is used up by all the activities of life. Vital
energy is used up by physical activity, by talking, digestion, emotions,
thinking, seeing, hearing, smelling and by sex.
After activity, the brain grows weary and the physical demand for sleep
and/or closing the eyes is great. Nerve cell fatigue or exhaustion is deep
seated and much time is required to recover. It is the lowering of vital
energy in the nerve cells which leads to physical and mental trouble.
to an extreme, it leads to a "nervous breakdown".
Close your eyes to replenish your nerve cells and your nerves will get
and feel
The actual storing up of the energy reserves or the energy sources of the
body, takes place during rest. Activity expends and rest restores the bodily
resources. The more the body is stimulated, the sooner it completely
collapses. The weaker the body, the less it is able to withstand the action
of stimulants. The weaker the body, the greater the necessity of "doing
nothing" intelligently, just closing your eyes.
When you close your eyes and pain, discomfort or depression prevents you
sleeping, keep your eyes closed, until the pain, discomfort or depression
leaves. Concentrate, meditate, feel, think on the pain, discomfort or
depression as intensely as you can. As long as you continue to do this, you
will awaken just as refreshed as if you slept for that same period of
time as
when your eyes were closed.
To heal yourself of disease, you should rest your brain and body, by keeping
your eyes closed. Every activity of your eyes, depletes your vitality and
inhibits restoration of your health. In every moment of your 24 hours, keep
your eyes closed, just like dogs, cats and other pets do, and open your eyes
only to satisfy your needs, whether your needs be biological, physical,
mental, social, economic or spiritual.
When you are sick, lie down, keep your body inactive, keep your eyes closed
and concentrate, meditate, think on, keep your mind on your pain and
till your pain and distress completely disappear.
Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D. God Healing, Inc. Natural Hygiene Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 1523 Santa Monica California 90406 USA
Telephone: 310-396-2914; 310-452-0458
Web Site: http://www.healself.org              E-mail: [log in to unmask]