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Lynton Blair <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 00:24:45 GMT
text/plain (155 lines)
At 07:45 AM 2/23/99 -1000, Forest wrote:
>Lynton Blair wrote:
>>   Wheat bran is probably the worst "food" you could use:
>> it has severe lectins and phytates.
>interesting how so many on this list focus on disagreement

It does seem that way to a greater or lesser extent, but I'm sure that most
posts are positively motivated.
One consistent theme (as I see it) is ( I believe from either
newbie-raw-fooder-wanna-be's [and I was one once] or
wanna-be-guru-thru-raw-food-religion-types- not many of these,( thank God))
/ I think I've used up my year's allocation of parantheses here /...now
where was I...oh the theme: to support a theoretical approach to diet quite
vigorously in posts.  When this goes counter to the experience of those that
have been before, these people are generous enough to devote some not
inconsiderable effort in attempts to put others on a safer, healthier track.
This makes this list one of the few I've found that does NOT support dogma
for the sake of promoting an idea/ideal.
>  could you be more specific,... do you know of a bran type filler
> that would be an improvement. i have tried oat and rice bran and
> found them too mucusy and heavy.

I'm not an expert, but wheat bran contains phytates that prevent the
absorbtion of minerals (such as calcium) and is thought by some to actually
drain away minerals from the body.  The lectins can cause problems with the
lining of the intestinal tract.
Apparently most/all seed coverings deprive one of some nutrition, though for
example psyllium hulls can be used for a few months or on occasion for
specific purposes.

Rather than suggest a "better bran", I suggest you take the feeling that you
want to stuff as an indication that you need something more nutritious.
(I've been there).

>> >how many years did you try fruitarianism

well, I started with a raw juice regime that included two or so  cups of
barley-grass-juice and a couple of pints of carrot juice per day.  This
lasted maybe 12 months.  I lost alot of flab, and had reasonable strength
and vitality.  For some reason or another I got attracted to the idea of
eating all fruit, thinking that if I ate enough that I would get enough
protein.  Did I eat alot of fruit (all organic, most certified).  This
lasted about 3 to 4 months, the weight just kept falling.  When I got down
to 130 pounds I knew there was something wrong with this diet.  ( Why I had
to wait so long I don't know).  The day I had my first real food, I never
looked back.  But its been a slow process.

>are you saying that health is only related to physical matters and that
>subconscious psychological factors like family bonding, childhood trauma, are
>insignificant to our health and how we react to eating food? do you ever feel
>that maybe you eat for other reasons than genuine hunger?

What I'm saying is that if a person is adequately nourished, they can cope
with psycological matters better.
Part of the problem is recognising genuine hunger as distinct from habits
and addictions.  And its interesting how many addictions are for foods (and
substances) that are bad for us.
Another part of "hunger" is that it is confused with true thirst due to poor
eating and drinking habits.

And do you wonder how it is that a person can suffer great physical pain,
yet when its over they carry on with life "as usual"?  If someone breaks a
leg or something when they are young and the injury recovers properly, they
don't go limping thru life or overeat because once they had that experience.

I'm not discounting ones emotional environment (internal or external, for
they do affect each other), but I wanted to point out that, given whatever
my past, if I am healthy on one diet and not on another then maybe its not
my immediate past that has much to do with it (the past that counts in this
regard is more likely that of my ancestors ancestors....). AND if I'm
healthy, I can cope with emotional issues better.

How long have you been Fruitering, Forest?

>> I eat for health.
>easier said than done, me thinks, but a worthy goal, go for it. are you saying
>you have perfect health?

its good, but I'm beginning to need spectacles for fine print

> what do you eat?

almost 100% organic, foods that are either highly benficial or neutral for
my blood-type

>what kind of lifestyle do you live?

city, computer analyst/programmer, not much excercise (but building on it).

>do you grow your own food?


>do you represent such a high degree of health that
>anyone who met you in person would be overwhelmed by your physical appearance?
>how old are you?

53 next month, look better than many 10 years younger

>> BTW, has anyone ever considered the difference between eating to theory vs
>> eating to practical?
>> For example, the Enzyme theory?  Well enzymes are practical too, but when
>> compared to the Lectin theory ( which is also practical) the importance of
>> Lectins outweighs that of Food Enzymes - out of sight !!!
>> Interestingly, lectins generally survive cooking though many are downgraded,
>> but some are made even worse by heat.
>well could you elaborate on the above, it sounds greek to me.

You probably know about enzymes: sort of living components of life, the body
accomplishes nothing without enzymes playing their parts.  Enzymes killed by
heat ( I think about 108 degress F, 60 C).

Lectins are proteins.  To quote from "Eat Right Diet" by Dr P. D'Adamo,
"Lectins are a powerful way for organisms in nature to attach themselves to
other organisms in nature.  Lots of germs, and even our own immune systems,
use this superglue to their benefit. ... Often the lectins used by viruses
or bacteria can be blood type specific, making them a stickier pest for
people of that blood type.
"So too with the lectins in food."

Generally the body makes the enzymes it needs when it needs them, and enzyme
diet theory holds that by consuming raw food, the dietary enzymes contribute
to the vitality of the body.

Lectin diet theory shows how some foods enhance the immune system while
others compromise it, and that the foods behave differently depending on the
A-B-AB-O blood type of the eater.

Dr D'Adamo (for 15 year) and his father (for 30 years)  have been reseaching
and applying this method.

BTW, there are many who have lost alot of excess flab on this way of eating.
And kept it off.

>> Have a good day
>> Lynton
>you to lynton, thanks for sharing. i never saw that name lynton before, are
>you male or female or android? :-)

male: its the name of a village/naval base in Devon, England.  it means
"village by the waterfall" I think.  My mother says its a very beautiful
place ( or was when she saw it).

Have a good day