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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 16:59:41 -1000
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Secola/Nieft <[log in to unmask]>
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Okey Dokey, if Stefan is only going to ask about CAPS and let the rest of
the idiocy slide...

"Dr." Bernarr:

> To avoid vegan inadequate nutritionally caused problems, you should eat an
> adequate raw vegan diet as you would eat if you were living in the wild.

In that case the mother would not be avoiding animal foods (on the grounds
of an arbitrary intellectual "concept"), thus her breastmilk would be more
nutritious. Neither would the youngster be avoiding animal foods.

> Eat only when you are genuinely hungry, i.e., you are fully salivating for
> food to eat.

Have you some references (or anything else) that supports the idea that wild
animals eat only when they are "hungry" and/or only when they are salivating
for food. In the wild, I suspect, there is more of a problem with supply
than demand, so your simplistic and naive "as you would in the wild" premise
is lacking in any sort of rigor. When have you lived in the wild? What do
you know about wild living creatures? Sounds like rehashed Shelton to my

> Eat only when you are asymptomatic. Never eat when you are
> symptomatic.

Again, there is little support from wild animal studies to support this
idea. Further, if one of the "symptoms" is starvation (as it appears was the
case with the youngster you gave reports about) then not eating is not going
to help, is it?

> Enzymes do not secrete when you are symptomatic.

Tell that to primates who eat specific foods when they are symptomatic.
Besides, raw foods have their enzymes intact so what difference would it
make? ;)

> Concentrate and meditate fully on your eating, preferably with your eyes
> closed.

This behavior is not found in the wild to my knowledge.

> Eat raw fruits and vegetables, unprocessed, palatable, that agree
> with you, that have adequate calories to satisfy your kinetic energy needs
> and that contain all the essential minerals and essential nutrients.

Fruits and veggies (only) probably don't exist in the wild (or in the
supermarket) that contain "all the essential nutrients". Even chimps do not
apparently thrive without animal foods as they go out of their way to
procure them.

> The only time you have conscious control of your food you eat, is when your
> food is in your mouth. Once you swallow your food, your food enters the real
> of the unconscious.


> To avoid digestive disorders, do not swallow your food you ingest until you
> have derived all the gustatory pleasure you possibly can, from your food in
> your mouth.

Obviously you have never seen wild animals pigging out on an abundant wild
food,  whether they are "symptomatic" or not. Further, if one of their
"symptoms" is starvation (as it appears was the case with the youngster you
gave reports about) then chewing a food that doesn't meet their nutritional
needs (in this case fruits and veggies--which are often unmasticable for an
infant) 40 times is not going to make any difference. Are you saying the kid
died of a digestive disorder because s/he didn't chew the food long enough?
How many children have you raised?

When I first saw your fowards on the raw vegan baby I thought maybe you were
actually trying to spread some useful info, but I see now that it was just
another in a long series of ploys to spread your "gospel".

IMO, you are not asymptomatic (neurotic ideations streaming forth
repeatedly) and if you followed your own advice may well starve to death.
