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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:48:47 -0400
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
<[log in to unmask]> from "Blake Graham" at Sep 7, 2001 11:08:16 pm
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Anwar J Goins <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
It really depends. Whenever I can afford it and it is available I eat it.
I stay away from conventional supermarket meat because of all of the
chemiclas that go into it, though I was tempted yesterday, looking at all
that juicy red beef and lamb...yumm! . . Sorry for the digression, anyway
I'd say I eat
it about twice a week, on average. Lastweek I had two croakers and 12 raw
clams, the week before I had ground beef(a pound and some) and the week
before I had lamb(bout a pound too).
I also eat raw eggs, alot, but still on the same schedule as my meat
eating. For instance this morning I had about eight raw eggs(I get free
range organic). And I have
16 more to go which will get finished by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
I try to only buy the meat if it is organic meat and I'm going to start
trying to buy only pasture-fed livestock. And since I'm not rich, this
limits my meat eating. I also have cheese every once in
a while. I'm probably going to get a hold of about 20 dollars worth of
some type of raw cheese(preferable not salted(I don't like the salty
taste in cheese(it's overpowering)), in about 2 weeks(after I try to by
books and stuff).
Lately I've had alot of raw honey too and coconut butter/oil, that stuff is


Blake Graham wrote:
> anwar,,,
> but how mcuh meat do you eat? from what I remember it was not a small
> amount.
> I beleive that supermarket cooked meat is not healthy. I don't know about
> raw wild game though.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anwar J Goins" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 1:25 AM
> Subject: Meat
> > Here is an interesting piece on meat:
> > http://www.geocities.com/tbkfitness/meat.html
> >
> > He contradicts himself in what I see to be one place and that is in his
> > discussion on fat. Because if hunter gatherers particularly ate the parts
> > high in saturated fat, then it wouldn't matter if those healthy organic
> > pasture cows have higher fat contents then wild game. And
> > wild game are often subject to temporary periods of no food at t'all.
> > But the info on fat is very revealing. I also recieved a list of
> > carcinogenic chemicals that are cause by overcooking fats which a doctor
> > I recently corresponded with sent me. There is nothing wrong with meat
> > guys, provided it is not overcooked or not cooked at all. ANd besides
> > healthy food makes healthy people.
> >
> > Godbless,
> > Anwar
> >