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Print Reply
Sat, 2 Oct 1999 12:17:15 +0200
Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
> >Interestingly, cooked food, grains and dairy are not considered as
> >detrimental. This is in sharp contrast with the raw, vegan and
> >paleodiet dogmas.
> I'm reading Weston Price, too. So, which is right?? The paleodiet, the
> Weston Price, the raw, or vegan, or which? I am reasonably satisfied
> from my reading that paleo man definitely thrived on meat......  but
> what about raw dairy? People on the paleo list are totally against
> dairy, yet Price says it is ok in unrefined form.

Paleo man thrived on *wild* meat AND bone marrow, organs... as well as
a fair amount of plant foods. Modern attempts to reproduce the
ancestral diet are are often a pale imitation.

Dairy: it seems from Price's book that, in ethnic groups with a long
history of dairy consumption--hence low prevalence of lactose
intolerance, high-quality, raw dairy, in the context of a diet
consisting of whole and nutritious foods, is well-tolerated and even
beneficial, in particular thanks to its fat-soluble vitamins.

For us, who have been on SAD for many years and don't necessarily have
access to high-quality foods, conclusions may differ: each person's
level of tolerance for dairy is different.

--Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>