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Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:44:08 -0400
Lucia Ruedenberg Wright <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
welcome back Paul!
and thanks for the travel update. boy can I relate!
yes. yes.

> I just returned last night, three days early... Anyway here is my story,
> briefly, I think you will relate to it :) I got a terrible headache from
> eating chicken on the airline on the trip down. I got over that in a day,

you know, you can request vegetarian meals on airplanes...
better yet: take your own fruit, water, nuts, veggies, whatever.
I wouldn't trust airline quality chicken. no way. even if I ate meat.
it's probably the hormones that gave you the headache.
I get headaches from conventional eggs for that reason.

> then I managed to get some raw vegetables and fruit in the city for a few
> days and they were agreeable, eating them in restaurants or, if bought at
> the grocery, soaking them in a collidal silver solution before eating, and

that's interesting way to soak them. hadn't thought of it but it makes

> However on Tuesday, after eating some salmon in a restaurant, drenched in
> some yellow sauce, I noticed some mucous an hour later and within a day I
> was miserably sick with a 'cold'. I don't know if the cause was from
> something in the sauce or the salmon itself.

boy, I can relate to this one!

> Anyway, I've been just eating
> mostly fruits the past couple of days as I recover.  I have been taking an
> herbal cleanser all along to avoid constipation so my body is able to
> 'clear' out junk more quickly. I am eliminating a lot of old mucuos in
> general (predating the trip) from the nose and the bowel, which must be a
> good thing :).

I also found that when I got sick, upon my return, I expelled an
extraordinary amount of mucous, as if the getting sick triggered a
cleaning beyond the toxins I had ingested. that's good :-)

> Although I told Lucy about my diet I think she was uncomfortable with it
> and we had some communication problems in general, so she told me she
> could not see me the rest of the week on Wednesday.

I'm sorry to hear that. I encountered some tension and
about diet as well. One of my hosts in Brazil felt that by refusing
of their food I was implying that it was "dirty" and I tried to
It was hard for her to understand because she did not have this
problem in
reverse, when she came here. but I guess she doesn't realize that we
all forms of life in our water with chlorine so there are no
micro-organisms left at all to bother anybody. of course the long-term
effects of the chlorine are much more deadly, but its insiduously slow
its impact.

> But I'm glad to be home :)

welcome back. coming home is one of the joys traveling.

> I brought two 1 lb. bags of this Pulse snack and it was agreeable and
> helped me during travel days.

next time I travel I'll be brave like you and try the raw stuff and
stay away from the cooked. bet I'll do much better than the last time!
