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Mon, 6 Sep 1999 18:39:17 -0400
Paul Reynolds <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
> I'm feeling much better. thanks for asking, Paul.
> I'm still coughing up a bit of phlem throughout the day.
> I just learned about Udo's Choice Probiotics Super 5 lozenges (put out by
> Flora) that contain acidophilus bifidum, among other things. It says it's
> ideal for travelers to help protect against foreign micro organisms.

Yes, I'm going to bring along some good buggies :)

> Unfortunately, my husband just returned from a visit to our homeopathic
> doctor and she found mercury in his blood which was not there before.
> Since he has no amalgams to take out, she asked had he been eating
> seafood? And of course, we ate alot of fish during our two weeks in Peru
> and Brazil. that means I've got it too. It probably would have been safer
> to stick with the fresh food and take our chances.
> :-(

I'm always a little concerned about that with seafood. But I'm just as
concerned eating other animal-source foods when I don't know what the
quality is - I feel like they have to be heavily cooked to be safe,
but of
course the same might be true of fish. I do know hormone and
laden meats, however cooked, make me nauseous and headachy. I'll try
to go
by how I feel - if seafoods are having a bad effect on me - even if
they are
prepared without heavy sauces - hopefully I will be able to sense it,
I know I have an obvious sensetivity to mercury (and less than pure
food in

Another thing I may do is bring a stash of pre-toasted buckwheat...if
I can
heat up some filtered water that will work. Not raw at all, but not a
food for me and has some protein.

> taking a suitcase of supplies is a good idea. we carried a bottle of
> superfood with us as well, but had no way to prepare it. does your little
> Krups mixer run on batteries? that's great idea. the fresh fruit should be
> great.

It doesn't, but mexican current is the same - I might need an adapter,

> What is Pulse? I don't eat nutrition bars.

I don't either for good reasons, but they are a snack-food in a bag
from largely organic dried raw fruit, nuts and non-wheat grains.  I'm
ordering a few packages to see if they 'work'. Chet Day eats them and
recommends them, for what that is worth :)
