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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
"Dr. Kim Shunkwiler" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 15:30:11 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Where do I start? Let us start with training and experience: The average
osteopathic college provides 142 hours of training in manipulation; the
average chiropractic college provides 465 hours of training in
manipulation. Most osteopaths rely on drug therapy first with less than
10% of their patients getting manipulated. Approximately 100% of all
chiropractic patients get manipulated. Of the over 90 million claims for
manipulation presented to insurance companies, 94% were by chiropractor
and 4 % by osteopaths. Would you go to a brain surgeon who only does it
part time?

Every few months I have an osteopath spend a morning or afternoon with
me so he can learn manipulative procedures. He admits that his training
in manipulation was lacking.

Effectiveness: I thought that, at this point, the research proving the
effectiveness of chiropractic was beyond being questioned. Go to and read the executive summary
of the Manga Report.

The thought that all a chiropractor is trying to do is "make noise" is
ridiculous. Researchers are discovering more, almost daily. about the
histological changes that happen after a joint is subjected to a high
force, low amplitude adjustment.

Now, you picked a good day to say that: "there is much more to the human
structure than a chiropractor cares to admit" and then imply that all I
do is basically try to make noise and overlook everything else
concerning my patient. I would like to relate to you several cases that
have happened in my office just this morning.

First, my wife's 86 yo aunt called to thank me for helping her. On
Monday she was brought to my office with severe pain in her left
shoulder. She said that it was the worst pain she had ever experienced.
This from a lady who has, literally, been run over by both a bus and
several years later by a car!. She had just left her osteopath's office
with a pain medication and a suggestion for her to get "pain
management". A quick exam indicated a problem at C6. Some very gentle
manipulation and energy work combined with homeopathic Rescue Remedy
calmed her down and decreased the pain by about 60%. I then gave her
some proteolytic enzymes to help eliminate the inflammation and sent her
home. By yesterday the pain was almost all gone and today it is gone.
No need to spend a ton of money on drugs and therapy as recommended by
her osteopath.

Second, a register nurse from one of the most "prestigious" hospital
here in the Detroit area. She was treated by the "best modern medicine
has to offer" to rid her of her low back and leg pain. After that didn't
work she was offered "pain management" before they would resort to
surgery. I had her pain free within 2 weeks.

Third, My kid's counselor from high school. She suffered since March of
this year with low back and sciatic pain. She was diagnosed with
stenosis of the vertebral canal. She was 40% improved after her 1st
treatment and today said she was 100% pain free. She did not have a
stenosis. She had a muscle imbalance created by a hypertonic masseter
muscle. After this was corrected, the body could then take over and heal
itself. Her osteopath, who "treats the whole person", neglected to check
the whole person.

Fourth, a 5 yo boy who saw me 3 weeks ago with a facial rash he has had
for  over 3 years! This morning he was in and the rash is gone. His
osteopath treated him with steroids for the rash! I adjusted him and
gave him a homeopathic remedy - his mother said the rash started
improving within hours and was gone within a week.

The sad part is, that, this was just this morning! I have similar
stories every day in this office. How many other chiropractic offices in
this country are experiencing the same thing? How many people are
suffering because of ignorance and ill-founded preconceived ideas?
Probably the same number of people who believe in RDA's and the food

I apologize for the mini rant I'm on here but, there are days the
frustration level rises to an almost uncontrollable level.

Dr. Kim

Spiritus Lacrimabundus wrote:

> >From my experience, consult an Osteopath before
> heading to a Chiropractor. D.D. Palmer took some of
> A.T. Stills principles and developed Chiropractics and
> MARKETED it with great success.
> The "cracking" sound that Chiros look for don't mean a
> thing. It's just gas. Just like when you crack
> knuckles.
> There's much more to the human structure than the
> Chiros care to admite. A.T. Stills Osteopathic
> principles threat the cause, not the symptom and see
> the human as a whole.
> It's fluid, it's smooth. No repeated visists.
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