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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 11:52:49 +0100
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Rachel wrote:
>Amadeus Schmidt wrote:
>>I definitely question that! State, what's missing in vegetabeles, which
>>would be necessary for (certain desired) sex-hormones.

>I won't argue with you; I don't have the time.
I should be busy even at that moment too. I'll cut down now, because
I have to and vacancy is near. So one last topic addressed.

>However, I'll tell you ONE of
>the things missing:  Zinc!   ..zinc is important..
>Btw:  from what I've read, zinc is necessary for the production of sex
Very cleary zinc *is* essential for the body and also for certain
hormone productions. No doubt.

>The best sources of zinc come from animal foods (not eggs or
>dairy). The concentration of zinc in vegetables is exceedingly low.
>seeds are said to contain zinc, but the amount you'd have to ingest to
>even part of your daily requirement is astronomical  and unreasonable.

Here the Zink list in order of occurance in food items:
(most abundant first)... I try to translate the items for you:
15.0 mg Zink / Day are recommebded    (Frau, 36-50 Jahre)
 1  Oyster frisch gegart              50.0 mg/100 g   657.2 mg/1000
 2  wheat bran                        15.0 mg/100 g    73.7 mg/1000
 3  wheat sprout                      12.0 mg/100 g    32.5 mg/1000
 4  Pfifferling (a dried mushroom)    10.7 mg/100 g    35.8 mg/1000
 5  puppy seed fresh                  10.2 mg/100 g    18.3 mg/1000
 7  Onion dried                        8.5 mg/100 g    31.3 mg/1000
 8  Steinpilz (a dried mushroom)       8.1 mg/100 g    29.6 mg/1000
 9  Fawn innards                       8.0 mg/100 g    53.4 mg/1000
10  Fawn liver                         8.0 mg/100 g    53.4 mg/1000
11  Sesame                             7.8 mg/100 g    13.1 mg/1000
12  pumpkin seed                       7.4 mg/100 g    12.1 mg/1000
13  liver sausage                      6.5 mg/100 g    20.6 mg/1000
14  Krebstiere (Krustentiere) gegart   6.3 mg/100 g    51.9 mg/1000
15  pork liver                         6.0 mg/100 g    37.7 mg/1000
16  snails    frisch gegart            6.0 mg/100 g    66.7 mg/1000
17  pork innards                       6.0 mg/100 g    37.7 mg/1000
24. Sunflower seed fresh               5.1              8.6
32. oat   whole                        4.5
39. horse meat                         4.2
44. tartar (raw meat dish)             4.2
50. millet                             4.0
56. brazil nut                         4.0
72. beef medium fat                    3.8

Innards and liver are not bad, but "normal" meat? Only place 72.
Even nuts and many seeds (oat millet) are higher in content.
Though, for calories as for protein your intake of plants in 100g
would be higher as meat.

>Further, the zinc found in whole grains, legumes, and seeds is poorly
>absorbed due to the fiber and phytates (which bind minerals).
Phytates ar IMO an important topic of which the community
(of standard dieters and veggies) are largely unaware.
Cereals have phytates. Other seeds (trees and oily) have not.
What to do about  phytates we know, don't we? Soak them. Germinate.

>Lack of sufficient zinc ... <deseases list>
As you see above you're a common non-thinking dieter you may easily
run into deficiences (oh boy that list of cruelties).
Though meat is told to be an eccellent zinc source ..
this applies too for standard dieters (because from beef one would
need about 390 grams to gain sufficient zinc). Most dont eat that much.
Veggies may be deficient by choosing non whole foods or by phytates.
Both need to know where to find zinc- if our instincts don't lead us.

Amadeus S.

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