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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Michael Audette <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 01:55:11 -0600
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
S.B. Feldman: You write that my contention that the inherent intelligence of
the body is always telling us what to do to heal ourselves, is "gobbledegook
is what this is, at best".
Why prejudicially reject something that you do not understand or which is
contrary to your philosophy?
If you choose to learn and improve your knowledge, investigate
before condemning?
I have successfully helped over 100,000 patients with many kinds of problems
with my health procedures, many who were hopeless before they interacted
If the health philosophy that I suggest always works, how can it be
If you choose to be prejudicially omniscient, you will be cutting out
discovering many resources by which you can improve your life.
You are beautiful. I love you.
  First off, healing in HG groups was passed on from generation to
generation by the medicine man or shaman of a group. Seems like we always
had someone to tell us how to feel better.
  Secondly, your attempt to one up by stating a difference in philosophy,
and then insulting someone's intelligence by insinuating that they are not
looking at your point of view in a scientific way, is immature.
  Thirdly, anyone who claims to have a health philosophy that always works,
is usually a quack.
  Sure, a water fast was used by some groups, even by some animals. I even
tried it back in the early 70's for 30 days. I even tried meditation once
and ended up with this brilliant white curtain that came to view, and a
strong pull in my solar plexus. Big deal!
  Here in Austin we have allot of different points of view on health. Every
thing from magic water to far eastern, macro, micro, you name it. We just
use another word for it. So, if you come on, like your peddling snake oil,
expect to be tarred and feathered.
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