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Martin Trevorn <[log in to unmask]>
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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Sep 1999 14:20:43 -0400
text/plain (42 lines)
At 17:15 99-09-19 +0200, you wrote:
>I have just tried to install a new HD. My attempts have failed, Windows
>refuses to acknoledge the new HD.
>It seems however that after much fiddling with FDisk and formating that I
>have now lost the contents of one of the (compressed) partitions of my
>original HD, although how I manged that I have no idea as I was careful to
>ensure I only used FDisk on the 2nd drive and only formatted the F: drive
>which is the letter asigned to the new drive.
>Does anyone know how I can recover my E: ?
>And also does anyone know how I can get this new HD to work ?

  I used to get the same experience and After many unsuccesfull attempt I
finally get it back. Here is my discovery.

  There's two things that may have happenned.

  1. The compressed drive is unmount. (very easy to recover)
  2. The partition where the compress drive were
     located is damaged. (less easy)

 For the first case, you just have to use DriveSpace
 and select the drive where the Compress drive is supposed
 to be located and then mount it.

 For the second case, you will have to restore the partition first.
 In all the tools that I have tryed, only Norton Utility succesfully
 restored my lost partitions. I did it with a glance.

Hope that will help you!

Martin Trevorn
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