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Betty Alfred <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 12:59:10 EDT
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi All!

I cooked up a little e-mail conspiracy for Amber, who is Trisha's daughter.
Amber's birthday is November 5.  She will be 13, which is a major deal for
Amber -- naturally.

I did a silly little webpage for her, and I wonder if you'll be kind enough
to go there and sign the guestbook wishing her a happy birthday.

The site includes some tongue-in-cheek comments about a nature hike we
recently went on, where Amber insisted that the "tadpoles" we were looking at
were actually fish.  As it turned out, Amber was right, and we were wrong so
I though she should have some public recognition for knowing more than three
adults.  I'm explaining this part so you'll know what in the world I'm
talking about when you see the webpage.

I also refer to her as "Fred" from time to time, and that will show up in the
webpage as well.  Anyway, if you would sign Amber's guestbook, I'd be
grateful, and Trisha can tell her about it on her birthday so she can see all
the names.  It's like a "gang" birthday card.  If I get other signatures,
I'll change the webpage to tell her to read her guestbook to see the people
who signed her "card."

 <A HREF="http://expage.com/page/amberplanet">Welcome to Amber's Planet</A>

Thanks so much,
Betty Alfred