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"BP - \"lapsit exillas\"" <[log in to unmask]>
Michael Davidson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 May 2000 16:53:10 EDT
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"BP - \"lapsit exillas\"" <[log in to unmask]>
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The following is from my preservation journal it takes a minuet to read...if
not delete my friend delete

Spring Blossoms
MDD/all rts

There is something in the air here at Yale ;something that colors and
magnifies springs emphemeral renewal.
Something that for a brief few days used to bejewel  almost every American
 transforming humdrum and the mundane into a haiku of sweet poetry,
something that can soften the hardest of hearts and bedazzel  the eye in a
flurry of color and wonder
and lay tranquil old wounds.
Here in the old town; the streets, historic greens and even the rough and
tumble  construction site are
awash with roan colored Elm blossoms that float tru the air in the millions
of tiny petals
Llike lithe ballerinas soaring in  the air they  adorn themselves with a  mix
of cherry blossom petal as
they spill  from their   mother trees  in a magical cornucopia of color that
is known to melt mens hearts
with  unfetterd love an abandon
Unbeknownst to us mere mortals these
.Flower blossoms also have the power of remembrance
softening the air  mixed with sunlight.they perform  powerfull dances on the
 as they rain and swirl on the  hardened faces of men at work..
Try hard as they might with the task at hand..
 men are  first annoyed by their onslaught
then bemused , then humbled with deligh as  this wonderous admix of soft
 swirl and then  crash into their faces massaging them with  the frangance of
remembrance and
 Their  momentary concerns hold little to the rapture of this air entrained
pelting their consciousness with the advent of spring
Its rare;... this little patch of earth here... is only blessed with this
event for 72 hrs.
to some it passes like rain;  to others it grabs hold of their fertile
imagination in wonder and healing
A interesting encounter happened recently regarding the blossoms
Sitting  in the sun on a bundle of plywood  with the fragrant tree blossoms
all floating about
 A young union woman carpenter named Carol was attending to a wounded leg.
She had  snaged her calf on an rouge nail and was applying dressing to the
 I made exit from the men i was traveling with  and paused to offer her
 A long trickle of red blood ran down her smooth athletic calf. It dappled in
the sun light as she
addressed an angry flap of torn flesh with antiseptic.
.I could see it pained her as a tear had rolled down her nut  brown cheek
before settleing on her small
smudged chin
She looked at me softly  from under her battered hardhat with childlike
".Isn't   it beautiful" ...she exclaimed...
.I was thrown.off.
.Was she talking about the blood that was now pooling at her ankle... and
smearing her fingers.and
shabby work socks..?.
.What's beautiful... I asked fishing out some gauze from a saftey kit.
 " All the blossoms" she said
Indeed blosoms flurried all about us  they crashed in our faces and tried to
mix with the blood  on the
flesh of her calf.Their soft impact caressed us  and momentairly transformed
me to another time and
place with Carol the carpenter.I cannot explain such things
it has something to do with the light and the color of the air
              The site was Mt.Olympus singing Hellenic poetry
 at the spring ritual of blood sacrifice.........
 Gods and muses sang
adorned with lotus petals.......
    ".and from a laurel in full bloom they plucked  a branch
      and gave it to me as a staff, and then breathed into me divine song....
       that I might spread the fame of past and future."        (Hesiod 8th
cent b.c )
the construction site now  became the Delphi of our homage and offering
and Carol...Erato.... the daughter of Zeus...

..""Sing the glories of the holy gods to whom death never comes,
the gods of Gaia and starry Ouranous"....(ibid).
The blosoms flurry again and Carol has mended her wound. She looks at me
cockeyed in my
No longer Erato with her lyre
 this is  Carol ;mother of four who smokes Drum roll ups and stinks and
cusses with the rest of
us.....she hops up and hooks on her utility belt complete with speed square
and framing hammer
nodding thanks and swaggers off....
Once more the blossoms swirl and flurry
who can say why I saw what I did..but I did
and for  today .....for just an instance.
.... the blosoms worked their magic .