Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Barry Adamski <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 23:47:32 EDT
text/plain (17 lines)
Anne wrote:
<<I recognize that people will have their beliefs. And the more they believe
the harder it is to get them to see different. This applies no matter what
side one might be on.  My question simply is this... If man is looking at
an evolutionary diet to best suit his needs, why is he conferring with a
neolithic god?>>

Shouldn't we be sticking to the subject of what is paleo and non-paleo rather
than bickering over religious beliefs?  Isn't the point of this discussion to
help one another become healthier i.e. the pursuit of happiness?  You are
free to believe in the devil (or whatever) if you like.  However, if you lost
20 pounds and no longer required insulin shots by removing certain items from
your diet that is what I am interested in from you and would be thrilled if
you shared it with all of us.

Barry Adamski