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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Keith-Allen Williams <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 15:02:51 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (96 lines)
  I was reading a book called "A History of Graphic Design", By a Philip
B. Meggs (2nd ed. NY Van Nestrand Reinhold 1992).. a passage about the
Ancient Greeks who have the claim to creation of Democracy (Plato i suppose)
so that every "Greek Citizen" has the free rights to vote and participate
in the state affairs.  Though the aforementioned book states that the
greeks also had slaves working the fields which allowed them the free
time to persue such goals as enlightening social conventions and
freedoms.. for an elite i think this highlights.  so if this is indeed
the foundations of the original democratic process, perhaps it is
inevitable that its imposition upon future peoples would also require
similar scenarios to be effective in a cogent manner to those reaping the

It would appear to me personally that the demented and uncementable
fixture of democracy isnt all the peaches and cream that floats about in
the unconscious noo-sphere of the Western worlds cradle of assumptions.
As well, the exterior form of democracy is being pulled and stretched to
try to cover the realizations that every human has a right to exist and
has a voice worthy of listening to.  I guess i shuold admit i'm not yet
an ardent student of political systems.. but i have looked at what
currently exists as an *ahem* democratic system in Canada, and how it is
supposed to really represent me and everyone else.

The media is likely the best example of how democracy works fine and well
for those with the funds to call themselves the "true citizens" of earth,
meanwhile the poor//poorer are taxed by having intellectual property
mutated in their brains and also economically dollar wise through the
mass purchase of newsprints, magazines, and external/outdoor advertising
events that persuade those of a lesser calibre of critical awareness to
purchase the "citizens" products.  Democarcy isnt what most people
believe it to be.. from the small amount that i've looked at it.. and i'd
welcome anyone to provide concrete information either from Plato or
maybe Switzerland where it is in current practice probably closer to the
way it was originally created.

Perhaps the question should be..  Does Democracy exist, or is it now a
mutation that we havent bothered to change the classification for.

In what manner does electronic technology usher in the possibilities of
new political structures allowing for the freedoms of every living human,
thus removing the stigma of class. (The possibility gives me a headrush)

    It seems to be clear that racism is strongly connected to class,
those who have.. and want to keep.. being afraid or having need to be
afraid or someidea/person  to justify their need to compile goods.
Were the Greeks racist against their slaves? i dont know if the slaves
then were happy to not be citizens through a convention somehow concoted
in their past.  Not to say that racism is only connected to Democracy,
but it is certainly evident that something gave the rulers of Greece the
idea that they could use these non-people/articles to plow their fields
of bountiful Olives.

On Mon, 25 Aug 1997, Bill Bartlett wrote:
> Of course the real problem in a capitalist society is that the most
> important decisions of society are specifically excluded from from what
> passes for the democratic process. Control of the economy is not held by
> governments, but by capitalists, usually through corporations.
> >
I guess this shows that, and i agree with Mr. bartlett, government isnt
really ineffectual, but is a major component of supporting the elite
classes so they can enjoy and subsist on the profits of others labour.
IMHO It really doesnt matter who i vote for, because i'm then
participating in supporting the framework of society i dont particularily
find appealing. though nonetheless have no choice but to exist upon if i
want to stay in the land i was born in.

> >Does it have any real meaning in the world today?
> I guess it does, if you are a large shareholder of major corporations. In
> that case you have a real say in important matters of national and even
> international affairs. If you own substantial capital, you have democratic
> rights that matter. If not you don't.

> This is what is meant by the term "class rule". Of course some capitalists
> are more equal than others, but we don't count at all.

I dont believe politicians, and i find the invisible discourse of
politician to the everyday reality of each citizen disturbing.  For the
society to expect me to get my information from a newspaper/tv about what
they stand for  (not what i stand for which should be their platform),
and then pick a partisan region in which to embed myself, is ludicrous.

I've never voted, not that i dont want to participate..  i just want to
be involved in a process that accepts, supports and takes into
consideration my thoughts and feelings as well as everyone elses.  When
there are a substantial number of people who see fabricated platforms
that are basically recycled re-runs of 3s-company.. why would anyone
bother to vote.. let alone turn on their television.

K-Allen Williams
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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