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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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John Wilmerding <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Discussions on the writings and lectures of Noam Chomsky <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 00:30:40 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (46 lines)
| John Wilmerding, InterNetWorker of Brattleboro, VT.|
| Friend and member of Putney Monthly Meeting of the |
| Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). An Equity- |
| Restorative Justice (ERJ) activist and neo-justice |
| theorist well-known on the Internet in E-mail dis- |
| cussion list and usenet circles as a zealous advo- |
| cate for reform.  Possessed of a compelling dream  |
| for an unlimited coalition; a Campaign for Equity- |
| Restorative Justice (CERJ - send email for inform- |
| ation).  An experienced mediator, facilitator, and |
| Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) co-trainer. |
| Co-originator of Friends (Quakers) for Restorative |
| Justice; participant in a Working Party for Resto- |
| rative Justice affiliated with the United Nations. |
| Employed as Reparative Programs Coordinator in the |
| Vermont (USA) Department of Corrections. Principal |
| organizer of the new Windham County (VT) Community |
| Reparative Board, a Restorative Justice Mediation  |
| Project (VOM), a DUI-VIP project (probation panel  |
| consisting of victims - and their survivors - of   |
| drunk drivers).  Co-writer: "Statement on Restora- |
| tive Justice"(NEYM-RSF, 1996); Author:"Restorative |
| Justice vs. Capital Punishment" (1996); "Community |
| Justice Planning", published in Community Correc-  |
| tions Reporter, 1996, and one simple query in the  |
| Friends tradition:"What is our justice testimony?" |

For                                                          A
    Justice                                                  AR
            that                                             ART
                 Restores                                  HEAR
                          Equity,                          HEART
  John @ CERJ                                               EARTH
>>----------->                       [log in to unmask]    HEARTH
John Wilmerding | Campaign for Equity-Restorative Justice  (CERJ)
111 High Street |------------------------------------------------
Brattleboro, VT | Work together to reinvent justice using methods
05301-3018  USA | that are fair; which conserve, restore and even
(802)  254-2826 | create harmony, equity and good will in society
"We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken." - J. Clegg